Monday, August 27, 2012

My 20th Birthday Week!

These few years I've come to realise that most of the time my birthday celebrations span for about a week because I try to meet up with all my different groups of friends. I also realised I spend a lot of time trying to make myself feel different on my actual birthday because it's supposed to be a 'special' day but I think it's the kind of thing you outgrow- like thinking Santa is real or that you'll get money from the Tooth Fairy. When you're young your birthday is awesome because everyone makes a huge deal out of it and all that shit but really the more birthdays you celebrate the more you'll realise that life seriously gets in the way with school ON YOUR BDAY and ofc friends who have their own shit going on and can't spend time with you. I gave up trying to feel special this year and decided to just have fun because to start with I seriously WAZ NAHT FEELIN' IT from months ago. Nonetheless, I had a lovely time on my bday and during my bday week!!! Thanks to all my pengyoumen for celebrating it with me. Love you all~~~

Monday: Popiah celebration at home with my family

 I lurve popiah
 Kaya kek. It was damn yummy~
 Assthur & I. My hair/face/everything damn bad cuz I just woke up. Assthur thinks everyday is her bday because she gets to blow the candles out at every birthday.
Wednesday (Actual Bday): Wavehouse w Davvy, Alv, Vic & Family dinner
Wasn't planning on doing anything- just going to school (1-6pm) and then come home for dinner. But Davvy and all suggested ditching lessons to go to Sentosa hahahaahaha so I said Ok. I still went for the morning lecture so I cld see my friends who came to nus for lunch.
 Burfdae face at the bus stop
 Sha & I!!! Farking hate this photo cuz my face is so big. hahahaa
My first time at Wavehouse!!~~ They have this one for one promo on Wednesdays so you pay $35 for 2 hours instead of one. The last time we came here was for Oweek which was beyond lame (lulz wad bad memories)

 We only had like 30 mins to eat so Vic went to buy macs while we were supposed to change. Took a billion photos instead.
Taking retard photos in front of the fan. Glamorous.
 Cutiepie in her minusey necklace
 Finally changed

Basically how it works is you stand on the board and they slowly shift you onto the water while you hold a rope and try not to fall. For the first hour we cldn't stand w/o the rope. HAHAAH. Also, I thought Wavehouse was like a board that moved left and right (slowly) in the wave and you just need to stand there. DID NAHT EXPECT DIS.

 Alv managed to get a shot of me falling hahahahahaha

 Davvy lookin' good
Vic surfed before so he's naht counted.
 Dav got tired and decided to sit down. haahahaha lulzzzjk the wave pushed her there and she fell.
If you are wondering why everyone looks more professional than me it's just cuz I take much better photos than them.
 Had a 1 hr break
 So we went to do jump shots at the beach.

Alv does the best jump shots damn annoying everything comes out purfect.
Then there's me...........................and my fucking funny failed jumpshots (thanks to alv)
R yall ready.
 Srsly wad is this i don't even.

This one I rly only have myself to blame. Wanted to do sth other than starjumps and this came out cuz obviously I can't think mid air.
(I was somewhat aiming for what alv is doing below)

This one damn funny my head twist until like that lololol.

Lovely day out @ Sentosa

Alv gave me a super sweetie card. :)

Then I went home to meet my family for dinner. Assthur and all came down also. She was being the cutest thing ever sitting at the dining table colouring with my mom.

 Took the camera to take a photo of herself.

 She took a pic of momsie

 Then my cousin ate an icecream and gave her some and it was the first time I had ever seen her eat ice cream and it was so cute so I took 500 shots of her.

 Eat until cock eye

Pushing my cousin's hand towards her lolol

We all went to Alexander Village to have tze char for dinner. The story behind this place is 4 years ago when I first told my parents about Josh they were all SUPER pissed off and I was bawling and asked them to just meet him first- to which they agreed. And it threw me off so I asked Josh to meet them by himself HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. And by them I don't mean my mom and dad. I mean like 10 of my relatives. And my aunty actually stalked my brother and I before so you can imagine how scary she is hahahahaha.

 V unflattering photos of everyone eating taken by my cousin. Just realised dad and korkor were wearing the same shirt.

 The food here was damn bad, standard drop (it like it's hot).

 Assthur's parents.

 Cake from my cousin. This is MY FAVEEE kek from Royal. Looks super unimpressive but its v yummy.

 Hazelnut kek (not as nice)

 Everyone got a present on my bday except me. My bro bought a rolex for himself. This is me wearing it.

 Playing rolex spot the difference w my cousin's rolex. Apparently the older version (left) is 9 yrs old alr. I told my bro the only difference I cld see was that the white part was bigger and he defensively jumped in and listed one whole long ass difference.

Popo got a new tablet from my cousin so she'd stop hogging the iPad hahahaha. Sorry for the finger prints damn gross.

Twinsiessss (naht. I think the only thing we have in common is that our eyes both one big one small)
Saturday: Quality time w KDG and Dinner 
 THAI FUUUUUUUUUUUD. Wanted to go to Aroy Dee but debi said Gold sth sth which is next to aroy is better so we went thr but she lied.

 Green curry and tom yum my fave

 Kang kong my fave

 Muay Thai superstar (i think) being filmed

We went to PS Cafe @ Dempsey for coffee afterwards
Debi <3


 Kiko in the forest

 'Blogshop model worthy'

Went to the pond nearby and saw a fucking gigantic arawana that is basically the size of a whale (mebbe baby dolphin more accurate) BUT IT WAS HUGE. cldn't get a photo thanks to the stewpid reflection but here's a turtle/tortoise (i rly dk the diff)

Then we went to Ki's house to chill and played Just Dance. Debi and Geng suck balls at the game. Played Korean songs in the car ride back home cuz Debi is a Kpop fan (more specifically G-dragon fan) and my interest in Kpop and all things Korean has significantly increased thanks to running man but before my street cred goes to negative I just need to clarify that I'm not a fan of Kpop...yet.
 Debi, G and Kiron got me this clutch heheheh TY!!! Loves it.

Had dinner at night w my CJ friends + Nikesh + Charis at Pepperoni Zion Rd!

 Ordered the biggest pizza ever. It was sooooooOOooooOOooooOoooOOOO good.

 Par baked rainbow cupcakes for me cuz the theme was RAINNBOWWW

 Hers turned out damn nicely I was qt angry cuz mine came out looking like mutants.

 ~Presents~ I've been wanting an epilator FOR THE LONGEST TIMEEE OOOOO~

 Rainbow eye shadow palette. BRB. FOAMING W JOY.

 Omaigad the colours srsly. But now Im gonna have a huge problem every time I put make up. It's like me at an ice cream shop. Freaking happy but I take 1 hr to decide what I want.

 Charis & Charlotte made a board for me hahahaha Butterrrrrr ::::((( Top left are my Hair Flip Fails of 2011. I rly dk how come it turned out like dat.

 Been telling Charis I want to try this one day (we always talk about mekkup) so she and Char got it for me!!!! Thanks guys the roller is damn fun.

 Chris got me tramp stamps and a bottle opener USB which i really need. The bottle opener, that is.

 Twinkle got me hair remover cream hahaahah cuz we always talk about hair removals and The New Paper cuz I spent 20mins of my recess everyday in school reading it in the Library w her <3.

 She wrote me this letter on the bag which was damn funny. "no more sides i can use :(" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAA.

 Group shot

 Nadia's posing damn funny srsly.


Happy 20th To Me
Thanks to everyone who wished me & spent time w me and everything, I really appreciate all of you. Xoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxo

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