Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Summer Madness

I'm proud to say that in the Summer of 2012 I've managed to make full use of it instead of the usual EPIC WASTE of my holidays. Typically, right before exams I would be frantically studying writing long lists about what to do after exams because I'm retarded. And of course once exams are over I don't even remember the list until AFTER my holidays and realise I had not done a single shit during my holidays. It's the kind of phase where you sleep and wake up everyday and suddenly you have to go back to school.

Well, this time I managed to somehow carry out a 1.5month trip to Western Europe based on semi-jokingly made plans and threats to my parents in December 2011. (You can read more about that on my Travel Blog.) In short, the trip was definitely inspiring and exhilarating. It's one of those things you'll remember when you're 70 and tell your grandkids about. Kudos to my parents for letting me go, I know I kind of gave them no choice LOLOL. Cuz I said "I HAVE MY OWN MONEY. YOU CAN'T STOP ME" And after much anger and persuasion they were suddenly buying my plane ticket for me. Up till now they don't want me to pay them back because they are treating it like a present to me but I stopped taking allowance from my mom so I have approximately 9months more of no allowance till I clear my debt. Which explains why I am broke.

My exams for Sem 2 ended 6th May I think and I left for London on the 14th of May. Arrived back on 29th June and started my internship at CLEO. My good friend Charis interned there for a month in March or something and before Europe I figured I had one more month of hols so I might as well go do something with it. So since I have an interest in writing and magazines I thought why nahhht. Besides, no other company would let you intern for a month. So I arranged for an interview and went down and had to do a writing test which consisted of freaking 6 reviews on various things like an album, a book, a restaurant, make up, etc. All in 24hrs. And people who know me would know I don't read books often so I wrote the book review about the last book I read which was in Sec 2. (One of Ellen Degeneres books)

Interning at CLEO was pretty cool. I transcribed interviews which was fun for the first 2 but the subsequent 20 interviews I had to transcribe were dreadful. I also attended some media food tasting, wrote interview questions for Owl City (which is apparently a one-man band consisting of Adam Young; bet yall didn't know dat. cuz I didnt lololol), went for some Kpop girl group KARA Press Conference at RWS who turned up for 10 minutes. Oh and I also answered a bunch of questions sent in by readers to the web writer (like Aunt Agony but less agony. and less Aunt).

Then after CLEO, I had about half a month of holidays left which I spent watching Grey's w Par, going to the clubs (and USS lololol) w Kiron and the rest, spending time with Assthur and Ben, eating a shitload of Thai Food, playing badminton w G, playing Just Dance w Jane, Deb & Charis and a ton of other stuff. Oh and I met up with alot of friends who were either leaving soon (Bye Raied & Charis & Meggin) or back for hols (Hi Ellise! & Deb! & Junjun! & Bear! And ofc Ida).
Bear & Junjun who left for Aussie

 Just Dance at Jane's

USS w Kiron

Filtur w par
Debchow who also went to Aus (Hehehe miss u)


 Assthur in her Bday wings and wand from me :)

 Packing my mekkup
 Mascara & Eyeliners (I have 9 mascaras, one is not in the pic, and 20 eyeliners)

 Asher's First Burfday
G searing Salmon at Kiko's Nat Day Pppppurty
Also my mom recently had an operation to remove her womb. So my dad and I were there with her right before she went for surgery and after she came out. This was about a month plus ago. So the other day, SHE ASKED IF I WAS THERE. knnccb. She was like "Eh I remember seeing Dad and talking to him and feeling very happy. Were you there also?" DAT. IZ. GREAT. R. U. SRS. BRO. Anyway, she recovered very well but can't carry things more than 2kg. (Wtf) The doctor said 10kg but her friend said 2kg so she's sticking with 2kg and has resorted to dragging me along to grocery shopping. Today she taught me HOW TO PUSH THE SHOPPING CART. And the other day I had to clean the toilets. My brother and father stood right outside the toilet laughing while I was on my knees scrubbing away.

Aunty Linda and Uncle Joachim (My bro's Swiss Godparents) and my family are going to Jumbo for dinner tonight!!! Excites. They came about 2 weeks ago for a couple of days and we had Indian fod tghter then they flew to BKK and Vietnam to visit Marion who is working thr now. Then they came back here and are gonna fly back to Switz on Thursday.

Lastly, started school yesterday!!! It's OK i guess. Nothing fantastic. Had lunch with Janey who hates biz canteen's western food. I ate my vietnamese noolel. Going to continue my Grey's marathon now. Oh and I've been watching Running Man. My bro introduced it to me. I always thought it was a Korean Drama but turns out it's a damn funny variety show. Srsly it's the funniest show I've ever watched. Koreans r damn cute.

Ok bai!!!

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