Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hari Raya Happenings

I feel damn lost now because even though school has started I feel like I barely have any classes since tutorials haven't started and I currently have a 3 day week. Not to mention for the second week of school cuz of Hari Raya and my Birthday (which means a self-declared holiday) I have 1 lesson. So I feel as though I have no school but I am damn sure that when I go to sleep at the end of this week and wake up I will be having and failing my mid terms already LULZZZ.

Let me just take a second to talk about waxing because I just waxed my legs. I'm a wax newbie. The first time I waxed my legs two strands of hair came out. In order to not waste the strips I decided to wax my armpits and no hair came out but I'm pretty sure I waxed my skin off. Then I decided to wax DOWN SOUTH (tmi) and also my face (not with the same strip). Well, let's just say that the result was that I became a walking glue stick. And also I couldn't lift my arms because I was glued together at the armpits. Also tried to use TISSUE PAPER to remove the stickiness (Have I mentioned that I'm retarded) so basically I had bits of tissue paper everywhere and I really just wanted to die. Anyway, I figured how to wax properly after watching my cousin do it. But I'm going to get an epilator cuz I think those are the best.

Anyway, on Wednesday Alvin treated us to the Crystal Jade steamboat buffet cuz he got his pay which was absolutely fantastic. I srsly loved it. But you have to make reservations before you go. Anyway they have a ton of stuff. I think the pork was nice (although I'm generally not a big fan of pork) and ofc they had xiao long bao and lotus root and spinach and the soup was damn tasty. We had some pork and corn soup and one spicy soup. Damn yums. Definitely gonna go back again. Thanks Alv!!!~~

 Dav going mad and ordering like 2 portions of every single mushroom they had to offer while very excitedly proclaiming that she "LOVES MUSHROOMS" like five thousand times. Srsly had to ask her to calm down.

 Some of the food. Dav went mad w fishballs also.


Vic & Alv. We ordered Chinese tea for Vic just to bastard him cuz he's from China while the rest of us had yummy barley. hahahahahahehehe.

I had to leave a little bit early for Aunty Ley Har's wake. She's my Godma's sister who used to come by our house very often to help us with house cleaning. I was quite sad she passed cuz like I used to see her like every other day in Secondary school and I had not seen her recently but was hoping I would see her soon. But it's one of those things where you wait and take things for granted because you think they're always gonna be there until they die or whatever and they're not there anymore and you wish you did something earlier. Thank God my godma seemed to be taking it well. I mean, definitely a part of her is hurting somewhere but if she was like bawling I would feel a lot worse. Anyway, just want to take some time to remember her and say that she was a lovely person. Although she came early and woke me up cuz she talked loudly/used the vacuum cleaner she was really nice and always made food for me. She was also a fantastic mom to her 3 daughters. Hope she rests well and doesn't hurt anymore wherever she is.

On Thursday I went to the wrong class and only realised halfway into it. I stayed all 3 hours anyway. (It was the same class just different room) Then I went to Far East with my parents and my bro and his friends cuz he wants to buy a $10k rolex (I don't even). Then we went to Sheraton Hotel to have a drink with Aunty Linda and Uncle Joachim who were leaving. They gave mom and I a watch each from Everta which is apparently some expensive Swiss brand. So sweet. :') They want us to go to Switz soon to stay in their hugeass house in Weggis or go to their mountain house. Apparently they have our ski clothes all prepared already hahahaahahhaahahahahha. Dad says they used to have a house with an indoor pool. INDOOR POOL. wat. If I go to Switz again I will probably be a permanent fixture in their house. I don't mind being the maid.
This is my new fave shirt. RAINNNBOWWW.
At the Departure Gate.

Sorry for the shit photos. This was taken on my dad's HTC. He sucks at taking photos. The other photos were taken w my BB which sucks also. I'll try to bring my camera out more often but damn lazy.

On Saturday I finally made it to church after being away for 3 mths. Had dinner with Kumar afterwards at Holland V's Chachacha where we exchanged stories about our trips. She went to London and various parts of France. Met Kiron later on at Starbucks and we went to Cold Storage to get Breezers. Went home and found out I have E! Entertainment cuz mom took away my MTV and Starworld in exchange for "lifestyle channels" I think I have the Crime channel also which I love. Anyway nowadays I download all the Starworld shows and don't have time for TV so whatevs.

Went for Vic's Burfdae PPPPPPPPPPPPPurty at Hazel Park Condo on Monday. It was a BBQ! The food was great and the company even bettur. Bought Vic an apple strudel 'cake' after Alv reversed into someone's car. Heh.

Had a 4 hour "brunch" at House @ Dempsey today. We ate an English Breakfast Pizza and Squid Ink Paella and some Choc Toffee Cake. It was 'meh'. I don't think any of SG's paellas can beat Spain's.

Jane who is a food blogger (Click to see her blog!)

My CJ friends Jane and Charlotte :)
Photz by Jane
Had a great time talking cock and laughing and drinking coffee. Ever since Europe I loveeee drinking coffee after a meal. (European Culture). Anyway, my burfdae is tmr!!!!! Not really excites about the birthday itself but more of spending time w mah friends.

Ok Bai!!!

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