Sunday, August 26, 2012

Jam&Hop: Mayhem in Manhattan

So last sem in a bid to become more active in school and try to get the "College Life" that everyone loves, I decided to become a committee member for the annual JnH Event. It's basically the pageant event for freshies where you choose the Biz King & Queen. I didn't even go when I was a freshie because 1. What the fuck is Jam & Hop (I have no idea where the name came about but I guess we can't change it) 2. I didn't know anyone in the pageant 3. I don't go for school events 4. I don't go for school events that start at 8pm and end at 10pm at Zouk. 5. I am my own Biz Queen.

As part of our duties under Marketing Comm, we had to find sponsors for the event. That was basically it. Dav & I tag teamed and found about 0 sponsors. The rest of the comm (YC, Jac & Shalyn) got about 2 sponsors I think. HAHAHAHA. In the end we had a lot of sponsors and IDK where they came from and none of the mkt comm members knew also. Lolololol. The event was yesterday and I had to be at Zouk from 12pm till 12am. Which I had done before when I was backstage manager for the Sogurt event so it brought back great memories haahha.

 The first thing I did was have lunch at the back w Jin Li, Ziyi and Pris. (Hard worker siol)
Took this picture as a present for Charis.
(Quick story: 1 year ago I celebrated my bday at Zouk and Charis was having her 'pass out' phase so she had to be stretchered out of Zouk and placed on the floor here, still on the stretcher. Fond, fond memories. I was a little high so while the bouncers were covering charis w a white cloth I shouted at them to stop because "SHES NOT DEAD". lolololol. The rest of my pals were either drunk inside zouk or sitting on the bench not knowing what to do with Stretcher Princess)
Dry Run wit da boys.  (Idk who they are)
 Setting up outside
We had a few briefings, ate dinner and steamed and sorted clothes. The Married Men + Jill hosted the event cuz apparently they were cheaper than the other DJs.
 When they were announcing who won Jac and I went outside to get all the drink coupons and after giving 3/4 away we were still left with a shitload so we raced to the bar and got 4 shots, 2 mojitos, 4 jugs.

Pineapple & Rum is damn yummy.
YC & Shalyn
 OOTD (lololol)

Photoz below from Shalyn's cam:
 Playing with the sashes before the event

 Our drinks hahahhhhhhahahahahaha

 Trying to get our hair done next to the make up room, fail.
While Shalyn and YC were doing actual work (Dav left earlier), Jac and I brought drinks for the rest of the comm and then we went back to get 4 more jugs. hahahahaahahahahahahaha.

Then Kiko came with Woani to give me popiah HAHAHAHAHAAHHA. which was damn yummy. Jac & I spent the night 'flaming on' then we realised Lanz was also from CJ so the three of us were damn happy then I asked YC and Shalyn why they weren't drinking and Jac was like "because THE FLAME IS NOT ON" HAHAHAHAHAHA. Met Zach who is missing a tooth and refuses to tell me why. Oh and Glascow and Wilson were there also. Lolol. Left at 12 cuz I was mega tired. Surprisingly fun night! Bye xooxo to YC, Jac and Shalyn who are going to Canada on Monday for Xchange~~~ (Lucky bitchez)

Ok Bai~

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