Friday, August 17, 2012

Jumbo w Aunty Linda & Uncle Joachim!!!

Met up with the Enders for dinner. :):)
We usually go to Jumbo cuz my family lurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrves seafood (crabs in particular) so for nearly every single occasion we go there and get the private room which is much better since it's not so noisy and the babies can run around. Well, not ben since he can't even crawl properly (he can only crawl backwards lulzzz beyond cute). We go to the one near Robertson Quay but yesterday we went to the Clarke Quay one.

Met my cousin earlier and we had Hokkaido ice clim~~~~~~~~~~~~ My fave flavour is green tea. But this one wasn't fantastic. Especially because it was melting at the speed of light. My cousin blames it on my incessant photo taking but I blame the weather, of course. It also dripped onto the floor and my toes which was absolutely wonderful. Threw the cone into the water for the fishes who ate it up within seconds.

Sat at the steps and enjoyed the scenery. Something I hadn't done before. Clarke Quay is actly pretty nice. And they have a Hooters opposite which i never knew. :O

Ate Black Pepper & Chilli Crabz at Jumbo <3 It was damn noisy and hot even though we were sitting indoors. Hope this is the first and last time we go there. Anyway I personally think Jumbo is too expensive.
Assthur was mega cranky because she'd been sick. So she didn't really wanna talk/play with me but I got her attention wiv stickers that she stuck on my face so I stuck some on her too. Srsly how cute is she right???
Cutiepie likes my necklace :)

Aunty Linds & Uncle Joachim. He looks so fierce but he's really v nice hahahah.

OOTD (outfit of the day).
I had no eyes so I have to blur my face. Also, this was my atempt at being demure with the long skirt but mom says I look like a grandma and prefers my stripper style. (not in those words)
Ok Bai!!!

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