Saturday, January 5, 2013

How Did You Welcome 2013?

1st Jan 2012
Last year Charlotte came to my house to get ready before we went to Clarke Quay to countdown and then head to Filter. It was all good fun. I love this picture because there's snow and I am drunkenly looking at the snow. It is also fucking hilarious because I look like the biggest retard.

31st December 2012
This year I couldn't decide what I wanted to do but I finally decided I wanted a quiet night in. So at 2pm while making full use of the free channels on TV I made some plans on whatsapp for a bunch of my closes friends to come over for NYE. I can't have a huge party or whatever cuz my parents are home and sleep at 9pm. So we would countdown at home then head to Juzzy's place at 1am to hang. ^^ Honestly I think that was the perfect plan. Had so much fun and I think it was the best NYE for me so far.

 Caught the fireworks from my bro's room and we kept shouting HAPPY NEW YEARRRR and we got replies from somewhere below which made us so happy until we realised it was coming from the bangla workers at the construction site opposite..............................

 I laugh every single time I see this photo cuz Kenboy looks like some random bangla worker who decided to join in on the fun.


Random memories from last few days of 2012
 My dearest Assthur's found love in a Minnie Mouse stuffed toy

PJ Party on one of the last few days of 2012 and making friends with people working at the petrol station

Alcohol and Vallo passing out at 12:30am on Xmas Eve

Kiko bought me a scorpion lolly from London. I ate abit of the scorpion. He also got me a bracelet and fake snow.......................................... hahahahaahah. :*

 Part of my Xmas prez from Mollylulu, Freja and Quinny
Yes it says Ra rah, that's what my family calls me hahaha, not a mistake.

Char & I with our fishtail/cape skirts.
~Happy New Year Everyone! Hugs & Kisses~

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