Sunday, January 20, 2013

All You Need To See At The Oceanarium

Ki and I went on a date to the Oceanarium on Thursday before we went to Vietnam on Wed. Was pretty eggcites cuz I love Aquariums and all even though I hate fish. And I heard this one is the biggest in the world so I was ready to be enthralled but it was a major let down.

Nonetheless here are some pictures. Taking photos of fish is a skill which I have not yet acquired... So these are pretty bad. Also, in case yall wanna go it's about $29 per person but seriously, don't.

Still pretty stoked cuz this was at the beginning.

Underwater world has this too.

Pretty coral reefs

Glass walkway with stingrays below


Petting zoo of aquariums

So pretty!!!

Some serious overcrowding going on here

Jellyfish! Our fave.

Kinda gross but cool

These jellyfish damn fugs

Kiron kept telling me they have a whale and I was so excited then I kept asking him where it was and he pointed at that white fish in the middle, "Nah, whale." _|_

SO cool how all the fish swim with/under the manta ray

Ewww hahaha

We were done in like 30 minutes. SO boring. Went to Coffee Bean to chill after that.

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