Monday, December 31, 2012

Reflections on 2012

Been feelin' abit down in the dumps the past few days because I was sick and also there is alot of other stuff going on so not really psyched about the whole end of year festivities and all the welcoming the new year shit. Generally just feel a bit lost but it is quite likely that it's just my PMS speaking. But don't worry things will only go up from here!

Anyway this year really fucking FLEW past. Here's a list of cool/fun/memorable stuff that sums up 2012 for me:

~Ben was born~
Started blogging again
Made new close friends
Said bye to some close friends (Charis & Raied)
EuroTrippin' (London, Amsterdam, Zurich, Paris, Barcelona, Madrid, Rome, Florence, Milan)
Year 2 of University (Had the most stressful sem in first half of 2012 as a Year 1)
Got to know my Uni friends better
Crazy Nights at Filter/Zouk/Attica/Mink
Worst Hangover of my entire life- 5th May
Moscato Party
Mojito Party
First Brazillian Wax (lololol)
Slumber Parties & Medonel at Par's
Interned at CLEO
Halloween Party
Taiwan with the Family
First time seeing Pandas
Thanksgiving Dinner hosted by Kiron
Started listening to Kpop- mostly BigBang & 2ne1
Bought a cool frog for Jiejie Lydia
Joshy <3
Studying w Debi & Woan
First Year Anniversary with my Blackberry
Set Off Fireworks
Welcomed Myself into the World of Make-Up (AT LEAST quadrupled my make up stash)
Aunty Linda & Uncle Joachim visited
Made Rainbow Cake & the most disgusting rainbow cupcakes
Dyed Hair Red
Didn't eat meat for 10 days
Some Dicks Stole My Bike
Went to USS with Davvy & then with Kiron
Deepavali Party at Kiron's
National Day Party at Kiron's
Family Christmas at Vallo's
Christmas at Deb's
Pilates with Mom
Swimming at SAFRA
DID NOT sign up for driving (I am really a stupid hoe.) (I hope i don't read my blog when I'm 30 and still can't drive)
Eye lid tape
Clubbing with Vallo & Boo
NYE Party at my house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope that 2013 would be a year where I procrastinate less, take more risks, do more things, be more diligent in work and make more friends. I want the new year to be one where I learn more about myself and commit to making myself a better person! Not gonna set any firm resolutions cuz those never work. hahahaahaha.

I wouldn't say 2012 has been a terrific year or a terrible year. It has been well balanced by its ups and downs. Really glad I went to Europe. That made my year. Hehehehe. So, 2012 has been a pretty good year I would say and I'm thankful for so many things, especially my make up. JUST KIDDING. Especially the people around me. Hope everyone had a good year too and don't drink and drive tonight. I KNOW I WON'TTTTTTT.

Sock Bun Fail Attempt 6

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