Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January Babies

1st week of Jan and I've already attended 3 birthdays!!! Either I'm really popular or April is a good month for sexy time. HAHAHA.

Kor Kor Stu's.....30th(?) Bday- 1st January
We slept at 6am and woke up at 10am. Slept on Yoga Mats in the guestroom. It was freezing even though the fan was moving SO slowly.
Kor kor Andrew carving the lamb

FEASTING. By the time all the food came out I was full already cuz I kept eating the carrot sticks with guacamole. SO YUMMEHHHHHH.

Juzzy's Christmas tree is SOOOOOOOO beautiful. Nicest I've seen this year. Very classy.
Never had a christmas tree in my house before cuz our house is so small............. ::::(

Korkor Stu's Cake + New Year cake + Cheese platter

Spent my afternoon playing with Molly, Frej and Quinny. First time since they were babies hahahaha. They are sooo cute. I usually only like babies and toddlers and ignore kids above the age of 3.

BearBear's 21st Birthday- 4th Jan (not the real date)
Had a nice dinner at Buffet Town in the basement of Raffles City Shopping Centre. Was great seeing my secondary school friends again. We've all been so busy doing our own things after secondary school we rarely meet up and we're not close anymore which is sad but they will always hold a special place in my heart.
 Finally a proper BB (my group of best friends in secondary school) reunion after 4 years of kicking each other out of the clique. HAHAHA. 

Hahahh stupid LL. Missed her so much.

Feel like dyeing my hair again... But i needa calm down.

Vallo's 19th Birthday- 5th Jan
Had a combined party with Quinny so the theme was... Fight...ing....? 
LOLOL. They even had like a small arena and played some fighting game.

Cloudy Bay White Wine- I have been missing out on life.

My nieces and nephews (I have a total of 7 from my Dad's side) trying to get the pinata open. 

Going batshit cray.

SO CUTE. I don't really play with them much though. 

Charlie Brown

Molly Lulu who is abit cranky in this photo because she didn't want to share her candy and her mom was telling her the stone in her heart is getting bigger. HAHAHAHAHAHAH.

Jiejie Karen (molly, quinn and freja's mommy) with her smashed up pinata.

Treasure Huntin' (used to be MY FAVEEE when i was a kid)

Asher. His cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeks.

I made Tofu Cheesecake for val. It was yummyyyy.

My cousinsss

Forced Vallo to carry/wear all her presents hahahaha

Molly singing karaoke


Emma did our hair. SO PREDDYYY


All the family members whose bday is in January. SO MANYYYY.

G's farewell party- 3rd Jan
Had a farewell party at my place for Gdragon. We ate tze char from downstairs. hahahahaha. Was damn fun. Went to kiko's to chill after that and went to Mc Donalds. We ordered some coffee there and the guy was taking FOREVER and i was so tired so I just slouched at the counter and he was so slow so I just started asking him shit like if he could make a smiley face pattern and what his favourite drink is and i got so much shit for that from Kiron and Genghis srsly. Kiko does the FUNNIEST impression and keep calling me hoe all. Damn too much. Sigh........................................ G's leaving today and I refuse to send him off (I have a no send off policy) but I made up for it by spending the past 2 full days with him but apparently he still thinks it is insufficient. TOO BAD YOU CAN'T KICK ME OUT OF THE CAR ANYMORE. hahahaha

Been sleeping at 6am and/or less than 6hrs the past few days. Feel SO exhausted. Going to Vietnam to clear my mind and chill and see the city and tan for the next 4 days. Queen of Impromtu Decisions really.
2013 has been moving so fast!!! Ok should go pack now bai!!!

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