Friday, September 28, 2012

The Weekend Before Recess

F1 Paddock Club on Friday

In one of his rare displays of kindness, Kiron invited me for F1!!!!!!!!!!! (Hahahaha he sure damn angry if he sees this. HI LOVE U) Been stressin' the whole week for Friday cuz I had nothing to wear and there was a ton of planning involved cuz I was staying over at Par's and we had Juzzy's Bday the next day blablabla.
Anyway, Friday itself, I had a stupid ass test. Thank God it was MCQ so I planned to wing it. As long as I didn't follow in Cassandra's footsteps I guessed I'd be OK. (Econs MCQ True or False- Shade A or B. She went to shade C. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLL)
the test was easy anyway
Nearly 99% of the time when I say something is easy I fail miserably. So let's not jinx it.
Went to meet Geng who was so nice and came to Vivo to meet me and I was about 45 minutes late LULZZZ. Not my fault, they made us stay damn late to collect and count the papers. Anyway, we took the train to Stadium MRT then there was a shuttle bus that brought us to Paddock. It's like a village/festival there.
Live performances
Went up to our suite to eat. Kiko, Woan, Par, Deb were all there alr drinking champagne. lolol.
View from our suite
Made sure my camera had battery by changing the batt. The batt I changed to had no battery. Life.
BB cam photos R U READY?
Sweating like dogs while waiting for pit lane walk
 Par loves Bruno so when i saw this i was like PAR, PAR, PAR, BRUNO'S GARAGE and she STARTED CRYING. I was like, woah hold the fuck up can you stop crying?!? AHAHAH.
Then, literally THE FUNNIEST thing happened. I pushed Kiko to one of the pit crew working and was like Oi ask him to take photo with us.
K: "Urr, excuse me can we take a photo with you?"
Pit guy: "You want to take a photo with me??? The driver is standing right next to you"
Dat. Iz. Great.
Obv, Kiron wldn't have known if the driver was sitting on him. And the same could probably be said for me. But Par showed me a pic of Bruno before so I'd like to believe that I just didn't see him as opposed to seeing and not knowing it's him. Hahahaha.

Got a photo with him. I look like a faggot. Don't judge it was really VVVVVVV hot.
Par took a photo with him also and wished him Good Luck. He proceeded to drive close to the wall and lose control on Sat and on Sun he had to jump out of the car and suffered burns on his back. I pray Par never wishes any luck upon me.
 K this one also don't judge we were supposed to do a candid pose IDK why everyone decided to play me out. FFFFFml.
 Maldonado. Another driver we managed to see. But this one I rly dk who he is.
No body wants to smile for the Blackberry.
 Some more well-known names
(Our suites were above the pit where the glass is)

 My <3 before I decided to let Nicole have him/realised he looks like Tiger Woods
 Walking next to the road. Kinda lame but kinda cool. Just wanted to go back to the air con room. hahahahahaha
 Best photo of the moving car wins; I was the only person playing the game :(
Woan, me, G
Went to Jean Georges to eat. Was damn high already cuz prior to that we were to the room above our suites to eat somemore. They had fantastic creme brulee cake, blueberry cake, mango sticky rice. Also drank every where we went. Ordered 6 Martinis.
Then we went to the Champagne Lounge or sth. Ordered 6 Mojitos and 3 Bellinis (Hate them)
 Bartender making our super yummy mojitos

Hate my hair colour eh. I wanted something more burgundy-red-purple.
Geng INSISTED that I had to stand next to the track and listen to the cars go by cuz it's a "very good experience". SMLJ HOR.
Kiko damn bad to me.
Went to club-visiting after that. Went to Filter for 15 minutes. Music was good but crowded and boring. Went to Zouk for 15 minutes. Damn crowded also but wanted to say hi to my bro cuz it was his BURFFDAEEE. Ironically, no photo with him. But got photo of my BRO'S NEW HOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^ (I mean that in the most loving way)
I srsly lurrrrve her. She's the nicest, sweetest person in the world. She's also Brian Wong's sister which was a huge shock to me and I still can't get over it till now :O :O
Bernie Mac Wong
 Went home with Parpadem and watched Running Man!!!

Justine's Peranakan Birthday Brunch on Saturday

Attempt 1. Started laughing so fail.

 Spazzing Out
 Freja & Molly-Lulu dance to Gangnam Style ahahahaha
 Char & I in the car. First time seeing her drive when she came to pick us! Everybody's growing up so fast :') I really need to sign up for driving :')
 Went to Safra to swim with my parents. Tweeted this photo with hashtag #poorkidsinstagram #publicpool #noteveninstagram
All my friends are switching to iPhone leaving me feeling very cold and lonely. I also really want instagram (so i can follow celebs ahahaha)
My brother was sick so we couldn't go to BernMac's restauraunt to celebrate his burfs.


Lunch with Family on Sunday

 Monstrous Assthur refusing to stay still so I can take a photo.
 Still but refusing to look at the camera. Damn naughty.
Me: "Did you miss me?"
Assthur: "Chyes" (She prounces Yes as CHYES. It is SOOOOO cute)
My aunt: "No la she bluff one."
Dat. Is. Gr8.
Ok bai!!!~

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Had a midweek meltdown on Tuesday. It was one of those instances where I have SO much to do I am just like "fuq dat" and decide to do nothing. Rarely happens but it does SIGH.
Decided to go ONLINE SHOPPINGGGGG in search of Sleek products cuz I really love them but they are only available in UK I think. Anyway Nadia told me of the online website Luxola that sells them and they are an SG website and shipping is free so WAI NAHT. They were also having a 25% off sale in view of their 1 year anniversary. I've never shopped online before so this was a fun new experience. I don't have my own credit card so I asked my bro if I could borrow his and he said "Ok. I'll pay just buy whatever you want. Your bday prezzent" I was like O.MAI.GAD. He gave me a cap off $100 but I bbmed him and was like "eh it's 270" He was like "wtf" Then i was like "Ya i decided to buy one of everything on the web cuz you were paying" AHAHAHAH. He was surprisingly very calm. Anyway I bought a couple of sleek products when I was in London so I decided to take some photos of them too. Sleek is a drugstore brand so it's damn cheap but the packaging is SO nice and the products are damn good and pigmented. It was $58.50 for a Bad Girl Palette, a Rose Gold Blush, a molten eye shadow and two lipsticks. Spent a shitload of time googling for swatches to see how the colour looks IRL but in the end it didn't help much cuz the colours still came out slightly different from what I had expected. Love them nonetheless. Also, Luxola is a fucking fantastic website really like their service is impeccable. They deliver the next day, I emailed them over some problems and they replied super early the next day also and they'll message you to let you know when the package is coming and an hour before arrival. WAUUUU. I was very impressed. They also allow cash on delivery so if you don't have a cred card like me then you would find this very useful ^^

Luxola bag is soo pretty
<3 Sleek <3 
 Lipsticks in Candy Cane which is bright reddish-pink and Peaches & Cream which is orange nude.
They don't really look good on me tho esp the orange one cuz my skin is too fair but they are so pretty hehehehehe. And they are really small, like the size of my pinkie but they still have the same amt of product as any other brands.
 Storm palette from London (not Luxola)
 These colours damn practical and they are gorgeoussss
 My 3 in 1 Blush in Sugar. ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS.
 Molten eyeshadow in Gold
 Molten Eyeshadow in Silver
 Rose Gold Blush!!! Looks like Muscavato (the middle in my blush palette) in the pic but it's much more orangey IRL.
Bad Girl Palette!!!! It's 100 times nicer IRL the pic makes it look lame. But the colours in this palette are very dark so I wouldn't use them that often.
Still have $10 credits for Luxola (they give it to you when you sign up) so I think I might buy another blush or sth TROOLOLOLOLOLOL. Super out of control. Thanks korkor~~~

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Hectic Few Weeks

Today I went to school and there was a Smoochiezz sale (Makeup) and I bought a "NYX jumbo eye pencil" in Rust and that pretty much made my day or even week, which gives you a rough idea of how much my life sucks balls right now. Also feeling very bitter because about 500 of my friends left for UK and I am stuck here with the shit weather and stressful school.

Have been spending alot of time buried in books, pretending to be buried in books, spending all my money on cabs, blogging in my Travel Blog (It takes at least 7hrs for one travel post) and a couple of other stuff which I think you will find more interesting and thus I shall share it here:

Played with my new 88 eyeshadow RAINBOWWW palette i got for my bday. It's not v pigmented but O well colours r nice. Did a rainbow. My family was v unsupportive. My bro kept telling me I looked like i got punched a few days ago and it's healing. Wtf? You tell me who punch you got rainbow brusie.
Pep came over and was cold so I cut my shirt and made a shirt for him ^^
The last time Peppy came jane found out my family and I overfed him cuz according to her she could tell he was fatter (srsly only aft 3 days?!?!)
This time we tried not to overfeed him........much.
Been eating a lot of durians. I loveeee, esp the bitter ones. Nowadays the durian sellers always open it for us and put in boxes, so I rarely get to open the durians anymore.
Dyed my hair copper!!! Bought a $28 groupon thing. The hair colours at the salon were damn lame and if i chose them confirm will come out as black again so i paid an extra $50 to choose from a colour range that will come out more on my hair. Damn lame actly, paying like $80. -___-
Sorry forgot to rotate this shit.
Davvy and I all dressed up to meet the Prince & Katey <3
Cabbed back from school and missed 2 lectures for them to CUT ACROSS THE PLAYGROUND, FAR FROM WHERE WE WERE STANDING.
By meet I mean watch them from a distance.
Plz look at da crowd
We got a spot at the barricade and thought they were gonna walk by but they walked to the playground instead which was just absolutely delightful (We also waited for them in the goddamn hot ass sun that was tyring to melt us for 30minutes)
Trial walk with Indranee
They also had security checking for bombs at the playground which made me LOLOL
Stood next to some Xin MSN camera woman who, like us, failed to get anything good.
Plz look at da crowd. at least 500 people.
Prince William- one of my one true loves (yes i know it's contradictory, f off) until he started balding (guess not really true love)
Magical Beauty.
Was hoping the media majorly photoshopped her in all the pics and in real life she's ugly or at least not SO perfect. Srsly I was really hoping she was sweaty and gross.
But no she was 100% beautiful and perfect. SIGH.
I wish I could marry her also.
Btw, I don't know if it's me being defensive about my house area (highly doubt so) or what, but i seriously don't get the big deal on the whole 'Wayang' thing. Like, obv they cant have random people just chilling at the park (in case they are mad and stab the royal couple or sth) and they can't have an empty playground also cuz then they come and see what, right? Fucking stupid sgporeans just always want to make a big mother hooha about everything. The organizers also tryna put singaporeans in a good light and show the couple more about our neighbourhood lives right. Yall stupid cunts. The only thing i was angry about is that they didn't choose me to play in the playground.
Dav and I tried to run after them (we r rly losers) but they were long gone. HAHAHAAH.
Dad stood at the other end and got a much closer view and a horrible pic of the prince. And his hand is blocking the camera.

My new gold peplum from f21. See, I do wear jeans (only recently)
Went to town to shop after that and had Thai at Jane Thai Orchard Towers (my fave orchard thai food place)
Usually the rice comes in a heart shape. So cute. Only took photo of the rice HAAHHA. cuz we had to gobble our food and go for our 7pm class.
Yey cutie <3
Love thai ice tea
Went to visit Kiko aft that. He had just come back from reception with Katey and Will. He got to talk to them KNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.
Debi and I waited for 1 hour for him. _|_
So we watched Big Bang Videos (sigh my street cred..........)
Met up with Charis and Par for lunch on Friday cuz Charis was leaving. Sobs.
Awkward moment when two big boobed girls are trying to take a photo and their boobs touch.
Changing positions so our boobs dont block each other.
Chariscity who is in London now. :)
Par's body is a little bit short.
Went to watch STEP UP REVOLUTION with Genghis after that it was so bad I don't even. Then met kiron and ate milk pudding. Then met Veronica (my dance leader) to talk, then met Par to 'study' for 5 minutes, then went shopping then went to eat at Quiznos then too lazy to go home so we cabbed TO HER HOUSE then studied and did my project work then we watch ep 110 of running man (mad funny episode) then cabbed home in the morn. Didn't sleep till 7am. Said bye to charis :::::::(
Chow & I sending photos to each other cuz she's in Aussie.
She showed me her arm swag so I showed her mine. HAHAHAAHAHAHA.