Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I Don't Mean To Brag But...

MA HAIR IS SO DAYUM FINE. Good hair day today even though I played badminton in the morning and have not bathed yet.

Wearing the lip stick debchow got for me. Luv it & Luv U Moar hehehehe
Had an eventful day today. Jane and Nadia and I went to Smoochiezz. I wanted to buy ten thousand more lipsticks but I didn't find any colour that I didn't already have/really liked. So I ended up buying a crease brush which I have been wanting for the longest time as well as an Olive eye liner. I regret not buying the gold because it was beautiful SOBSSSSSSSS.
Anyway going to meet kumar for dinner then head to church to watch the Christmas Rehearsal. Probably gonna meet the Malay Twins later. (Nat & Debchow) hehehee. Adios muchachos. (i dont even know if that's a real saying or not.)

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