Monday, November 19, 2012

An Eventful Last Week of School!!!

My last week of school was more like a last day of school. I've done more stuff this week than I have the entire second half of this semester. Not school-stuff though. which is as much a good thing as it is a bad thing.

Monday: Had a Finance test again. Bombed it. 5/10 WADDUUUUUPPPP. (In my defense I really can't do 10 qns in 15minutes and they take the best 2 so thank God this score won't be considered since I did better for my prev two tests. but hot dayum because i was hoping i would do better for this asshole.)
Econs lecture- wasted my life again as usual.
Ended early and I went to have lunch at Reeds with my classmates.
MNO presentation with the worst ending ever (we had a poem and we each read out one line. PRETTYYYYY embarrassing stuff. NOT my idea) but it went v well.

Tuesday: Studied in SMU w Debi. Meeting time at 1030. Actual meeting time at 1130am. Woani comes at 3+pm. At least she came with gifts. She brought putu which is the gems that Indians stick onto the middle of their forehead. Spent the whole day calling it 'kutu' until like 8pm when Kiron was like waddafuck. My bad. Debi put BigBang songs into my iPod. Was SOOOOOOOOO happy. I didn't know you could transfer songs from another person's mac to the iPod w/o wiping out all the songs. Techtard. And yes I am an official Kpop fan I GUESS. But Debi refuses to acknowledge me, she keeps saying "you damn act Kpop fan". She doesn't understand how it hurts my rep. I never in a million years thought I would be interested in anything Korean. Lawlzzz. And it has seriously opened up an entire new world and because of this I can now click with some Uni classmates. hahahaha. Yey! I started liking Korean stuff cuz of Running Man, btw. Lately I've been listening to 2ne1 also. LOL I'm really pushing boundaries.
Ahahahha I LOVE the birds they are so funny
Here are some of my fave songs from Big Bang/GD&TOP it's really damn nice. I shall list them in order of how much I like them. (Foolish Love, Don't go home, Ain't no fun, Haru Haru, Lies, Oh yeah, High High) Before you judge away and delete me from all social media networks, go listen to the songs it's rly damn nice. If you don't like it then please delete me ESPECIALLY from Facebook. Been going on an Unfriending Rampage recently. Cut down my friends from like 985 to 955. My aim is to have 5 friends. HAHAHA. No but seriously this new app Phewtick WHAT DA FAQ. Irritating like fuck. "So and So is meeting XXX" I don't really care unless you provide dirty deets like "Samantha just gave Timothy a Blowjob". THEN maybe i'd be interested. If not FUCK OFF.

Sorry for digressing. Anyway after studying we headed over to Kiko's place for a Deepavali Party!!!! The dress code was "anything Indian" I asked if I cld wear extra dark foundation in the FB event and Kiko said that he's reporting me to facebook and that I was also uninvited. But whenever he invites me to anything I get uninvited about 20 times before the actual event. Second idea was to throw on a white tank top and go as a prata man but apparently that's considered "racist". Bitch please. 
Ended up going for something lame and nonstatement making- Indian-ish earrings and the putu and glass bangles also from Woan. The party was quite elaborate. They catered food- Bryani, mutton and chicken curry, bagadil, papadam. I was APPALLED by the lack of indian food knowledge amongst my friends. "Eh what's the cracker (papadam)" "Eh whats the rice (Basmati)" "the potato thing (bagadil)" "the hot drink (masala tea)". The food was damn shiok. Also found out Debi doesn't eat beef. Yet more proof that she is the Devil's child. Went over to the Gramps' place and talked to G about his future UK life. He's leaving early Jan. Damn sad. ::::::(

Went back to Ki's house. Played with Sparklers. Nearly died from smoke inhalation. On the verge of asthma. Tried to take those nice cover photo worthy shots or stuff you see on instagram but ours just came out as a massive disaster because we couldnt get all the sparklers lighted in time/didn't coordinate what to do/laughing and screaming and coughing/ the smoke covered everyone. Damn freakinggg funny. Chilled in Kiko's newly made-over room. Damn pretty I love it. Self invited for slumber party next time. Talked and laughed w Debi, Woan, G, Mag, Bryan and Kiko. GR8 TYMES.
This photo would be really nice if it didnt include the people at the side ahaahah

Obv my Blackberry can't do nice shit like this; it's from Mag's iPhone.
Monstrous Sparkler Fotos

 I am awesome. The other three.........Mag looks great here ahahaahahahah

Thanks Mag for going through great lengths to send me the photos i LOLed for 5 minutes. ^^

Went to Mustafa w G and Woan. MOAR GR8 TYMES. Found out Mustafa has like a Supermarket section. Holyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyychizz. Never been there before. Missed Raied cuz we always went thr last time. Memory making in Mustafa with all the niggas who leave me. (I have abandonment issues) Bought goat's milk. NUBBAD. But it smelled rly....goat-y. Gotye. HAHAHAA. Up top if you got dat.

 Little India was mega deserted. Wanted to go to Swee Choon but it was closed. G drove all over Singapore. From Little India to Bukit Timah (got lost) and then to Bedok (send woani home) then to my house then to his house. ahahahahaha. FUNFUNFUNFUN.

Recently bought a BB cream but it was on sale in Mustafa so I bought another one..................................................................
Also bought an eyebrow pencil which i accidentally threw away. _|_ to myself.

We realised that we curse the most with that group of friends. Debi, Woan, G, Kiron. Cuz they are so stupid and can really makign you SO ANGRY. ahahahaha Like how G asked Woan for directions and like 1 second before he had to turn Woan would shout TURN LEFT HERE. And this happened later at another turn:
G: "So I turn left here?"
W: "YA LA"
G: "U sure not? Left ah?"
W: "YA LA YA LA CCB KNN FUCK -insert other unnecessary vulgar words-"
G: "Left is here hor -waves left hand- you sure not"
G about to turn left

Srsly just fucking funny.

Wednesday: Had like one lecture and one class but I was really not feeling it and lost the battle with my alarm clock. Whaz new. I'm a whole new level of useless. Usual stay at home routine- wake up at 12pm, get annoyed with popo, lunch with popo, suddenly it's 3pm, weigh pros and cons of having a nap, decide not to nap, it rains so immediately all the cons of nap time are washed away, sleep till dinner, suddenly 8pm, do some work, bed time.

Anyway, this semester I've had alot of stay home days so I usually go for lunch with Popo and she really has been pushing it. I've tweeted about my annoyance but you guys probably just think I'm a douchebag and have no love for my popo or whatever. ON THE CONTRARY it is not that. I hug and kiss her every day and I sometimes climb into bed and cuddle with her until she literally tells me to GET LOST ahahahahahahahaa. And I will pat her tummy and pretend Ben and Assthur are inside HAHAHAHA. Anyway as much as I love her sometimes she really just makes me want to punch myself (I would never hit an old lady). One day she really took it to the next level:

(Translated from extremely broken Mandarin)
Me: What do you want for lunch? Does your leg hurt? I can go and pack food back for you. I'll just get a sandwich instead of eating at the food court. (We usually eat soup at the food court)
Popo: No my leg is not painful. Up to you, I anything also can.
Me: I can eat either eat soup with you or pack food back for u. You choose, I wouldn't know whether you're tired or whatever. Are you sure your leg not pain?
Popo: Ya not pain. You like to eat sandwich then you pack sandwich back but if you want to eat soup then we go.
Me: Omg I already said I'm fine with both, it depends on you. I'm not the one with leg problems. If you're tired I'll buy back for you. If not we can go eat.
Popo: Okok we go there and eat
-30 seconds later-
Popo: I think I don't go, my leg pain.
Popo: Got alot of leftover food at home I want to finish.
Me: Ok. So i don't pack for u?
Popo: No don't need.
-5 mins later-
Popo: Ok I think I go with you.
Me: .....
-5 mins later-
Popo: Hai ya, dunno whether to go or stay. Ok la I stay
Me: .......
Popo: Ok i go with you.
Me: ..............................................ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?

This literally went on from the moment I woke up till 15 minutes later. When I wasn't so frustrated later on I told her that every time I talk to her my life gets cut short by 5 years. HAHAHAHA. Jokingly of course. Popo has a great sense of humour too.

Thursday: Study in SMU with Debi again. Meeting time 11am. Actual Meeting time 1pm HAHAHA. It was raining heavily la ok. Anyway we had thai food <3 <3 <3 and then pasta at dinner. The smu pasta DAMN good and only $4. Went to watch Pitch Perfect with G and Debi after that. Sucked balls. The acting was massive shit. Rebel Wilson is fucking funny tho. Went for dimsum with G at Sweechoon after that. Mega Yums.

 Debi's idea to "ACT INDIE" with this pose. I don't get it how is this indie wtf.
"the indie people always stare into space like this" AHAHAHA. cb debi.
 -_- (das me)

Friday: Usual stayhome routine.

Saturday: Jake & Joshua's Bday PPPppurty. Joshua was 2 hrs late for his own party. I wished Jordan (Jake's brother) happy birthday about 3 times until his mom (my cousin in law) was like "AIYA NOT HIS BIRTHDAY LA" AHAHAHAHAHAHA. whoopz.

 Huge chunk of chocolate cake on his face which nobody bothered to clean ahahaha
 Playing with his new present
My neice and nephews: Josh, Jake, Quinny, Freja

Sunday: Dad left for BKK and then he's going to Israel! Hope he's safe. He's going on like a Bible study trip or something and like gonna trace the footsteps of Jesus. ahahaha. I honestly think it'd be fun and really interesting to go but I can't cuz I have exams which I shld go study for now. K ended up taking a nap. Blogging is good therapy. K bai!

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