Monday, October 1, 2012

Bad Time Management

(Please excuse my language I may get a little bit over-emotional)

So the motherfucking Recess Week cheebye flew da fuq out the door in about 5 seconds I DON'T EVEN know what in Hell's Kitchen happened because I was too busy sleeping/glued to my desk drowning in textbook chapters of Finance and Macroeconomics and Management & Organisation and I don't even know what other subjects I take. You have probably already fallen asleep just reading what subjects I take. Anyway, just finished my Finance Midterm. It was Ok. As usual they gave about 4 'past midterm papers' which were easy as shit and then the real one comes and it's of the whole "Shannon has 1 apple, Paul has 2 pears (i HATEEEEEE pears btw). Calculate the distance from earth to the moon"-level.

But this time I was prepared for them to be bastards and test questions way harder than the practices so I didn't feel too bad about not being able to do some of the questions. It was also much better than THAT DISASTER OF AN OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT FINAL EXAM which we shall not bring up.

I went for a delightful meal at Joe's Kitchen which serves Thai food.

Also found out my school has a business lounge that has table tennis and printers. I hope DavvyJones (Davelle) knows how to play table tennis.

Yesterday we went for dinner at BernMac's restaurant- Vineyard at Hortpark. The food was damn yums. Loved the escargots and lamb. The place is very nice too. Clearly I cannot be a food writer because the only words I am able to use to describe food is "nice" and "yummy". I personally just want to slap people who use fucking fanciful shit to describe food. SHIOK AND NOT SHIOK IS ENOUGH YOU DON'T HAVE TO TALK ABOUT THE FOOD BEING 'DRESSED ELEGANTLY IN SAUCE' OR THE FISH BEING 'SO FRESH YOU CAN TELL IT JUST CAME FROM THE MAJESTIC BLUE OCEAN'. SHUT IT.
(If i ever become a food writer/blogger, remind me to delete this post)

Also, during dinner, Dad showed me his phone and his brother had added him into a Whatsapp group with the rest of his siblings. It said that "Woon has joined", "Mai has joined", etc. and he asked me "Eh, eh, eh, HOW DO I JOIN?"
I. freaking. died.

Excuse me for I deviate from the topic intended. Anyway, I have decided from now on to sleep less because I usually sleep at like 2am and wake up at 11 or 12 which is way too long. So from now on I shall be sleeping from 4am to 10am (I foresee this is going to be a problem as I can never wake up before 11am.) And on those days where I do have to go to school I will sleep at 2am and wake up at 8am. They say you should get at least 7-8hrs of sleep a day. But seriously, 'they' clearly don't go to NUS.

Ok now time to start on my work. Wish me luck!

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