Monday, December 31, 2012

Reflections on 2012

Been feelin' abit down in the dumps the past few days because I was sick and also there is alot of other stuff going on so not really psyched about the whole end of year festivities and all the welcoming the new year shit. Generally just feel a bit lost but it is quite likely that it's just my PMS speaking. But don't worry things will only go up from here!

Anyway this year really fucking FLEW past. Here's a list of cool/fun/memorable stuff that sums up 2012 for me:

~Ben was born~
Started blogging again
Made new close friends
Said bye to some close friends (Charis & Raied)
EuroTrippin' (London, Amsterdam, Zurich, Paris, Barcelona, Madrid, Rome, Florence, Milan)
Year 2 of University (Had the most stressful sem in first half of 2012 as a Year 1)
Got to know my Uni friends better
Crazy Nights at Filter/Zouk/Attica/Mink
Worst Hangover of my entire life- 5th May
Moscato Party
Mojito Party
First Brazillian Wax (lololol)
Slumber Parties & Medonel at Par's
Interned at CLEO
Halloween Party
Taiwan with the Family
First time seeing Pandas
Thanksgiving Dinner hosted by Kiron
Started listening to Kpop- mostly BigBang & 2ne1
Bought a cool frog for Jiejie Lydia
Joshy <3
Studying w Debi & Woan
First Year Anniversary with my Blackberry
Set Off Fireworks
Welcomed Myself into the World of Make-Up (AT LEAST quadrupled my make up stash)
Aunty Linda & Uncle Joachim visited
Made Rainbow Cake & the most disgusting rainbow cupcakes
Dyed Hair Red
Didn't eat meat for 10 days
Some Dicks Stole My Bike
Went to USS with Davvy & then with Kiron
Deepavali Party at Kiron's
National Day Party at Kiron's
Family Christmas at Vallo's
Christmas at Deb's
Pilates with Mom
Swimming at SAFRA
DID NOT sign up for driving (I am really a stupid hoe.) (I hope i don't read my blog when I'm 30 and still can't drive)
Eye lid tape
Clubbing with Vallo & Boo
NYE Party at my house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope that 2013 would be a year where I procrastinate less, take more risks, do more things, be more diligent in work and make more friends. I want the new year to be one where I learn more about myself and commit to making myself a better person! Not gonna set any firm resolutions cuz those never work. hahahaahaha.

I wouldn't say 2012 has been a terrific year or a terrible year. It has been well balanced by its ups and downs. Really glad I went to Europe. That made my year. Hehehehe. So, 2012 has been a pretty good year I would say and I'm thankful for so many things, especially my make up. JUST KIDDING. Especially the people around me. Hope everyone had a good year too and don't drink and drive tonight. I KNOW I WON'TTTTTTT.

Sock Bun Fail Attempt 6

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I Don't Mean To Brag But...

MA HAIR IS SO DAYUM FINE. Good hair day today even though I played badminton in the morning and have not bathed yet.

Wearing the lip stick debchow got for me. Luv it & Luv U Moar hehehehe
Had an eventful day today. Jane and Nadia and I went to Smoochiezz. I wanted to buy ten thousand more lipsticks but I didn't find any colour that I didn't already have/really liked. So I ended up buying a crease brush which I have been wanting for the longest time as well as an Olive eye liner. I regret not buying the gold because it was beautiful SOBSSSSSSSS.
Anyway going to meet kumar for dinner then head to church to watch the Christmas Rehearsal. Probably gonna meet the Malay Twins later. (Nat & Debchow) hehehee. Adios muchachos. (i dont even know if that's a real saying or not.)

Monday, December 10, 2012

Alcoholidays & More

My exams ended on the 4th (Tuesday) and since then it has been a whirlwind of events. I have been SO busy meeting friends and partying I haven't even had any time for myself except today which I had intended to spend by the poolside reading 50 Shades of Grey or the new Holocaust book my Dad lent me which was not possible due to the thunderstorm. Anyway as I was saying, I feel super tired and exhausted and like I haven't slept in days. Wanted to get my BlackBerry fixed also but the rain really ruined everything. Anyway had a blast the past couple of days ^.^

Oh btw last Sunday I had Korean food at my aunt's house. It was so good. I had to put this up cuz it's the first time we had homemade Kfood.
As soon as my exams ended I took the MRT to Farrer and G picked me up and we went for Kiko's Thanksgiving Dinner at his place. He spent the entire day cooking and taking shots HAHAHAHA. I was BEYOND impressed. Let's just say that if I had a ring I would have PUT A RING ON IT. We were all fancy and shit having a very mature dinner... Until we brought out the alcohol and went to the karaoke place. Hahahahahah.

 Kiko even decorated the whole table and there were candles and everything; it was so beautiful and cosy!!!
I was SO happy. Definitely nicest dinner ever.
 We had grilled and mashed potatoes, lamb, salad, oreo cheese cake, pasta and turkey ofc!
 He claims he cooked everything except the oreo cheesecake. We kept asking him cuz we didn't believe until debi asked for the 100th time and he was like, "FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME..."
Debi always asking for it.
 We appointed Debi to say a prayer before dinner and seriously it was the funniest thing ever. Burst out laughing AT LEAST two times and we had to calm down before she could continue. Suddenly thanking the family and all for being happy in the prayer. OOOOOOOOomaiiiiiiiiiiiii. I really couldn't maintain.

 G brought smoked salmon. I lurrrrrrve.
I had Ice Wine for the first time. (bottle on the left) It was gone in literally 5 minutes.
 Kiron bought this fucking retarded turkey hat from Accessorize hahahahaha.
 Drunk liaos.
 HAHAHAHAHA. They all look damn good here tho!!!
Obviously no blackberry in the world could have taken such a nice photo SOBS.
HAHAHAHA. Went to TeoHeng afterwards which is some karaoke place in Katong or lawd knows where. I'm really lost half the time IN SINGAPORE.
We had a dance floor in the middle of the room so really just kept shouting and shaking all the musical instruments like mad. Debi played some Kpop also and we danced to the whole Gee song by SNSD/Girl's Gen and High High. and other Big Bang and 2ne1 songs. Hahahahah. I have the funniest video of Debi drunk singing Rolling in the Deep.

 Got tired so we left the place to go eat STEAMBOAT at 1:30am hahahaha.
Kiron pretending to be a maid
All of us pretending to be maids with the sitdown pose but clearly not working out. I was LAUGHING LIKE SHIT. and woani just hoe-ing around on the floor.
 hahaha so cutie.
Debi and Woan decided to take an OOTD in the carpark while we were all in the car alrdy so we locked the doors and drove off.
 Debi begging to be let in at the back
 Woani whoring it out in the front.

 Grpshot in the car. hehehehehe
Went somewhere to eat steamboat (i really have no idea where) and Woan was so drunk she was rolling around the floor and everything. ZERO maintenance. I had a hangover at 1am. hahahahha. Lame Iz Me.
Went to Cecilia Westberry for a wax. hahahahahahahahaha. Pain like shit. I generally have quite a high threshold for pain but this was about an 8/10. I really wouldn't want to do it again BUT the results were great and I think it's cleaner and nicer... The pain lasts for like 3 seconds only though. But the day after it's abit sensitive.
 Cecilia Westberry at Holland Close; the flowers at the reception so pretty.
 Met Par and Sha in town to SHOPPPPPP. Finally!!~~~
Ate lunch at Jane Thai, they put up the article I co-wrote on Thai eateries for CLEO!!
Hahahahah Par was late and I had to order early cuz the chef was going out. Tweeted this photo with the caption "So this is how it feels like to get stood up" HAHAHAHAHA.
Then the rice heart shaped some more ahahaha. Damn funny.

I bought a new skirt and top, black pumps (for clubbing at night).
 Bought new lipstick!!!!!! NYX Apollo. It's a reddish copper with gold shimmer. PERFECT FOR CHLISSSSSSSSMASSS.
I usually dont like metallic lipsticks but this one is so pretty i love it.
Went to Far East Plaza to buy Hair Dye. Meggin told me about how they sell dye and developer there. I always dye my hair using L'oreal and Revlon dye. I've tried Liese and BeHappy and alot of other shitty drugstore/ntuc brands but those are all lame and will only produce a tint under sunlight. I've tried going to the salon to dye but for some reason they always don't let me dye the colour I want and it always just comes out as a shade of brown. My recent dye job was okay but the roots were growing out already. Anyway meggin was saying that the developer in far east is stronger and I should get level 20 or 30 but the bottle i bought didn't say what level it was so I was just like ok nevermind just try. The dye tube is 10bucks and the developer is 15 for 1 litre and you only need 60ml each time you dye.
Went to thread my brows and upper lip with Par and have dinner at Genki (my fave. Hi davvy miss u)
Rushed home cuz it was like 10pm and we were supposed to meet at Mink at 11:30pm.
~ Hehehehe Debchow & I ~
 In case you guys were wondering I have been wearing contacts cuz I still have some leftover from like 2 years ago hahahahahha. So I'm just tryna use them up since my degree is gonna get higher. And they'll expire. I hate contacts cuz damn leychey to put on and if I come home drunk damn hard to take out also.
 Kept tryna take photos inside Mink but they kept turning up with a yellow tint and we were like dafuq... until Kiron was like YOUR PHONE COVER LA. HAHAHAHA. Laughed like mad.
 This is probably the only normal photo, you can see how the photos deteriorate significantly as the night progressed.
 The plan for the night was really to just go ALL OUT. Our motto was Every Man For Himself. ahahhaahahahahahaha. The last time we had an all out after exam party was the Filter night where I came home without my shoes and didn't even know SO this time I was a little bit more cautious.
 Woan, G, Deb.
Woan is damn fair hahahahaah.

 Kiko found his weakness- FLAMING LAMBO.
 Playa & Skank

 Hehehe I love this photo.
Throughout the night we kept taking turns disappearing and looking for each other it was really hilarious when we pieced everything back together the following days. At about 2am, Kiron started lifting up my dress and everyone did the same to everyone and then they all went after him and tried to take off his pants. I thought they were tryna take off his shirt (I was drunk) and for some reason I thought it was fine to rip people's clothes off. So I did. Hahahahahahaha. Unfortunately his shirt was Prada. And then he came after me and I was literally just standing there when he came and TORE MY DRESS. So my bra was exposed for a good 20minutes before I went home. Haahahah. Debchow went to rip other guys' shirts also and their buttons just came POPPIN' OFF. Showed Debchow what kiron did to my dress and she fell on the floor laughing. Then showed Woan and her reaction was exactly the same hahahahahahahaahahahah. Everyone just ripping everyone's clothes and rolling on the ground. hahaha. Left at about 2:30am. Got home and bathed and changed into PJs. Drunk texted Debchow and Kiron who kept asking me to change and come back. I was telling her I damn angry with her and Kiron cuz deb ripped my dress even more. While explaining my anger this stupid whatsapp star emoticon kept coming up and it was way too difficult to find the backspace button hahahahaaha. Way too funny. Put on my specs and 5 minutes later realised everything was blur. Then i realised cuz I hadn't taken off my contacts. That's great. They were heading to Zouk so I put on my bra and went to look for another dress in my wardrobe but my wardrobe kept moving and spinning so I changed back to Pjs and went to bed. hahahahahaha.
THANK GOD Melsa took this photo cuz this is the most vivid memory I have from the club. Absolutely hilarious. Hehehehe
 They went to Spize afterwards and deb helped him tie his shirt. Kiron said he damn scared people STOMP him. HAHAHAH. Mine was tied also but it wasn't the same at all because I have boobs.
I would post a photo but I don't want people to think this is a porn site or face indecency charges. hahahahaha. Also, someone who searched "batok porn" or some shit ended up on my blog because I wrote about Bukit Batok. HAHAHAHAHAAH.

Was having a conversation w par about when to dye our hair but well.......................... hahahaha.
Great night out.
I woke up at 7am which is probably when the alcohol wore off. Went to vomit abit 3-4 times and only slept at 8am. I was still drunk at 7am man. Like legit drunk not hungover. Thankfully I didn't have a massive headache when I got up for real at 12pm. Like I was so scared to get out of bed hahaha.
Hung out with a friend I hadn't seen in 5 years, went to Vallo's place to help her with her Prom Make up. I was abit late so she was FREAKING out ahahahaha. When I went into the house she was shouting at me from upstairs "SARAH YOU ARE LATE I HATE YOU" HAHAHA.
So I ran up and we started the make up and she looked so beautiful :):):)
Went home to rest and catch up on my shows hahahaha. Par was supposed to come but she played me out cuz she had school but decided at 11pm that she wasn't going to go to school and still can bootycall me "You come now I pay for your cab" HAHAHA. My friends really all damn too much.
Met Woan at 1:30pm. Swam and hung out in the pool till 4pm hhahaha. Damn fun.

Passed by some neat shophouses. So preets.
Went to Bugis to meet Debi to shop. In the end we had dinner at Shaw Tower Aloy Thai or something. Damn yummyyyyy. I still love thai food. hahahha. Dinner was great, every time I hang out with them I seriously laugh until my stomach actually hurts. hahahahaha. Missed Kironnnn. He was having ORD dinner with his family.
Went to Bugis Street to buy some screen protectors. Damn pretty I love them. Debi got scared by some monstrous mask and SCREAMED. It was sooooo funny.
Got home at 10pm and Chowchow came at 10:30pm. I gave her the Sleek palette and she gave me the Revlon Pencil Lip Stain. LUVVITTTTT. Thanks deb ILY.
Btw, Luxola finally brought in the 3 in 1 blush alrdy. My life is complete. Gonna buy Lace when there's a sale. It's the lighter version of Sugar which I have already. heheheheheHEHE. I wanna buy all. But the hot red and purple palettes I rly cannot pull off.
Had a jolly good time with our Mojito Party. Drink until damn drunk halfway start eating nuts in the dining room of my house ahahahaha.
The Mojito we made was damn nice but we kind of cheated cuz we used Sprite. They said Soda so I bought sprite and soda water but the sprite obv sweater so nicer.
You can't see here but my face was so red and it felt like it was on FIIYAAHHH. Not good.
Anyway it was Zoukout Day 1 so we thought everywhere would be damn empty. Went to Filter and it was empty so we went to Mink full house went to Attica full house went to Medonal hahahhahaah.
Damn funny and lame.
Woke up like 1.5hrs before Lunch at Coca Takahimaya so I thought damn alot of time happily wrapping presents and shit but lawd i was wrong.
Here are some steps which are extremely effective to shittily wrap a present:
1. Spend 10 minutes measuring the wraping paper but make sure you still cut out an insufficient amount
2. Cut our more wrapping paper to join to the one you have cut out in step 1
3. Discover you have no scotch tape and resort to using staples
4. Staple everything together
Your end product should look like this.
Cabbed to Taka cuz I was shit late.
Spektacle Twinz.
Met G, Kiko, Woan, Debi and Debchow for lunch. We all talk and laugh damn loudly then Kiron was like "OI FAMILY RESTAURANT FAMILY RESTAURANT" Really everyone damn too much and never maintain. I don't know why all of my friends talk so loudly then want to come and scold me.
G bought some hair dye hahahahahaahahahahahahahahah at Watsons. Which turned out was sooooo lame. Might as well don't dye.
Went home with G cuz we were gonna go to church later on, went to cut my hair at the 13th floor. Just needed to trim and shape it abit. Damn happy cuz this time she didn't cut it way too short like she did the past 2 times. Korkor and Bern went for Zoukout the night before and they weren't going for Day 2 cuz bernie had some allergic reaction to some food so her lips were swollen (and she refused to show me hahahaha) Then I was just like Oh so do you still have your tickets and he was like ya think so and I was like oh.......... can I go then? and he was like OH YA, ok sure.
HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH. So i called Par immediately cuz she has been asking me to go for Zoukout cuz she wanted to see Calvin Harris since 3 months ago and I always wasn't very keen cuz I didn't wanna pay $88 to see Calvin Harris and I didn't know anyone else who was there. Like, not like Calvin Harris gonna be dancing or anything. hahahahaha. But anyway I was still damn excited to go. Really Queen of Impromptu Decisions.
G and I still went for church which was good cuz I hadn't gone since I came back from Europe. Had a good Saturday. 
Zoukout was really really fun. Par and I drank before going but I was SO glad I wasn't drunk or high during the sets. Cuz I already felt abit grossed out and suffocated cuz it was so hot and everyone was sweaty. We were at Moon Stage the entire time- Porter Robinson, Knife Party and then Calvin Harris at 3:30am.

 Srsly couldn't even get his name right until much later. Paul Robinson. Rock Robinson.
HAHAA. Asked Par again and some random dude turned and was like PORTERRRR ROBINSONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. Das gr8.
Par is like an Indian dude magnet. This indian came up to her and was grinding her or something and she turned around and was like "AYE YOUR COCK AH..."
o.MAI.gad. I burst da faq out laughing. Later this guy kept tryna reach across me and highfive some guy carrying an A-Track sign I was SO annoyed I turned and glared at him and was like CAN YOU CALM DOWN. hahahahahahahaahahahaha.
Stupid drunk fucks.
 Idk who this was. hahahaha. But the lights were sooo pretty

 Best shot of Calvin Harris and Knife Party (The one with the hat) ahahahahahaahahaha. We were standing damn close tho. Like second row from the fence.
Anyway we reached Zoukout at 11:30pm and took a break from 1:30-2:30am and danced all the way till 5am. So fun. Really go hard or go home. I was so happy I got to dance esp since I didn't even get to dance at Mink thanks to my ripped dress. ahahahaha.
Had a mock wedding lunch with Korkor Stu & Sharie and their whole family (except Justine who was busy with school work) and my family. They are getting married on 20th but we'll be in Taiwan sobs. Went to some Teochew place near Clarke Quay. Had suckling pig and fish and I tried Pig's ear. hahahahahaha. Quite gross but not that bad. I think it tastes like char siew.
Took the train to Par's house afterwards. Shauqi, Marcus, Ronil, John were all there watching LOTR marathon. I watched the second one before and when I was there they were watching it but I don't rmb anything at all so maybe that's not the one i watched or maybe i don't rmb since it was 10 yrs ago. Anyway I still had no idea wad da faq was going on the entire show. The creatures are damn disgusting and there was a lot of fighting and the ring is evil (Fantastic summary of the trilogy) (HAHAHA) Par & I dyed our hair! My dye came out fantastic. Like first time I dye it myself and the colour doesn't actually come out black. I wanted purple red so a more burgundy but they didn't have when I bought the dye so I just bought the brightest red they had. Came out abit purple-ish in the end. Quite a huge change compared to my usual browns so I still don't know how I feel about it. My family seems to like it tho. hahahaa. And Par's mom loves it. HAHAHA.
I got dye on my forehead and my brother laughed like shit and took photos also. ahhaha asshole. I took the train from Serangoon all the way to Bukit Batok cuz my mom wanted me to attend "Taiwan Holiday Briefing" DAFAQ. I rly could have not gone la so retarded and my cousin was super nice and printed out the itinerary for everyone.
Cutie boy. Carried him for damn long till he turned around to look at me and realised I was neither his mom nor my mom nor his grandmom so he cried........................... Sian.
Anyway here's my hair. Doesn't come up well in photos but real life it's really bright. Used my bro's iPhone to take the photo cuz my BB is really useless. Damn happy with the dye cuz at least there's colour and so freaking cheap if I need to touch up my roots. Yey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope everyone had a crazy fantastic week like I did. Going to nap now. hahahaha bai~~~