Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 in Summary

Trying to get this post out before NYE but been procrastinating. Clearly resolutions I've made several years back did not stick so I've stopped making them for a couple of years already. This year passed in one fucking flash. I left for Sweden ON THIS DAY AT THIS TIME one year ago. I remember sitting in the hotel trying to pen my thoughts on what I want for 2014 (did NAHT get around to doing this) and now 2014 is over n done with. I swear, a year has never passed so fast for me before. This was definitely a year of extremities... From spending six months in Sweden (high) and travelling like mad to slogging to my death for my final semester which turned out to be not so final. Anyway, here is the summary of my year!!!

Moved to Sweden for six months
My humble abode. Love at first sight with my studio apartment.

Waking up in the morning to snow and always chilling out in my balcony.

Travelled to:
1) Sweden
- Lund (where I lived)
- Gothenburg
- Ystad
- Stockholm
- Helsingborg

2) Denmark

3) Norway

4) UK

5) Holland

6) Belgium

7) Iceland

8) Poland
- Warsaw
- Krakow
- Gdansk

9) Croatia
- Zagreb
- Split
- Dubrovnik

10) Slovenia
- Ljubljana

11) Czech Republic
- Prague

12) Austria
- Vienna
- Salzburg
- Hallstatt

13) Slovakia
- Bratislava

14) Hungary
- Budapest

Other 'Firsts'/Highlights this year:
- Dogsledding
- Steered a boat
- Cycled 40km
- Licked the wall of a salt mine
- Walked on a glacier
- Ate whale
- Ate rabbit
- Made a snowman
- Learnt how to cook (thanks youtube)
- Learnt how to do laundry (thanks Selin)
- Thaddy was born :)
- GOT MY DRIVING LICENSE---> 13 lessons in 4 months =$1,100
- Dyed hair pink
- Dyed hair purple x 2
- Bleached hair blonde x 3
- Dyed hair green x 2
- Learnt how to sew
- Learnt Swedish 
- First time taking six modules
- Best sem results
- Part-time job at RWS
- Nursed korkor back to health after his surgery
- KYO nights w all the retards in my life
- Didn't celebrate my "22nd on 22nd" but spent it indoors reading instead, fantastic decision
 - Cracked my iPhone twice in two months #gurlgotskills

This year was really just super intense with tons and tons of emotions running high and low. I literally never felt so happy before while I was in Sweden, other than NYC. I did so much this year and hope next year can be as fulfilling. Thankful to have friends and family by my side who always support me :)) Wishing everyone a Happy New Year! Get ready to kick some ass in 2015.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Last semester of school!!! NOT

Hello and welcome back to my two-posts-a-year blog.

I am dedicating this post to my supposed last semester in school (continue reading to see how the story unfolds), which was also the most intense, challenging and rewarding semester I've had in all my five semesters in school. Oh my God. School. Where do I even begin................

Well, while mapping my modules to Sweden and planning for graduation I found out that I had to overload and take 6 modules because I am doing a minor. Every semester I take 5 modules and I have no life and get real depressed and stressed. I must say though, that it gets easier with each semester. With six modules to clear I could either split it into 4/sem and then 2/next sem which would mean that I am essentially paying an additional $4k to do two modules or I could do six/sem. It definitely made more sense both financially and non-financially to just take one more module and get it over and done with. Although I had my qualms about being able to handle all of it without going mad and/or cutting my wrists and calling it quits. But I rationalised with myself and came to the conclusion that it's my last sem so I really just need to pass everything and get my degree.
Basic Bitch.

Next came the requirements of my six modules- 1 Communications and New Media (my minor), 2 Core Requirements for Specialisation and 2 Specialization Modules and 1 Science General Education Module.

For the CNM Minor, we are given a short list of modules to choose from and there was only one which I had interest in- Advertising Strategies. So I just knew that I HAD to get this module otherwise I would die in some game design or cyber law shit. No.

Next up, my two core requirements were a given so I didn't have shit to choose. The first module is Asian Marketing and something with two Ms. Basically the module is A.M.M.M. I have no idea what the other two Ms stand for. The second module is Consumer Behaviour.

The Specialization Modules provided a lot of leeway to choose modules from. My strategy was to choose to one I had the most interest in. Sounds about right, right? Wrong. #Protip: What the module "sounds like" is never what it is in reality. Also, apparently I am the only one stupid enough to choose modules according to my interests. Everyone else checks the workload/professor/gotprojectornot/howeasyitistoscore and most importantly, whether it fits their timetable. So of course, I was left with a five day week because I wanted to take those specific modules more than I weighted the importance of having a good timetable. I ended up choosing Global Marketing and Product & Brand Management.

For my science GEM, this is where it all blew up in my face and where I found out my cousins are cunts. #Protip: TRUST.NO.ONE. So since it's my last semester I decided to take a module with my two cousins who are also in the same faculty. They are two years behind because Val is younger and Ken had NS. So we decided to take a Science GEM together. After alot of discussion we found one that finally didn't clash with our timetables and despite a shady as hell module name "Search for Life on Other Worlds", we decided on it. Also worth noting is that my CNM exam, which is my only other exam for the semester, is ON THE SAME DAY as the exam for this module. But it being our last chance to be together, I sacrificed. After bidding ended, I get a call from Vallo who tells me that she and Kenboy both didn't get the module because they forgot to raise their bids. So I had to Search for Life on Other Worlds all by myself.

I ended up having a five-day week because it took two lectures a week to Search for Life on Other Worlds and OF COURSE the lectures had to be on my free days Monday and Friday. I ended up going for a grand total of 3 lectures. BUT I stupidly scheduled a tutorial on Monday (in a failed attempt to encourage myself to go for more lectures) so I still had to drag my ass to school four days a week. Apart from six modules, I also decided to finally take up driving lessons because 1) 4 years of procrastination is enough 2) I have no time when I start working

Tuesdays were the worst because I had 6 hours of school back to back. I thought the 15 minutes in between would be enough time for lunch. #Protip: It's not.

I had a total of 8 projects for the semester and had to work with 7 different groups. It was challenging but I made it out alive. Oh and for some reason I managed to get a bunch of extremely horrible groupmates for several projects. Here are several highlights:

#1 There was one module where Claudia and I had to spend the whole weekend re-doing the entire report till 3+am, while the other four groupmates did close to nothing. I gave them an inflated peer evaluation of 30-50%. This girl actually thought she could look at a few different survey questions, create her own summary question and average out the statistics for that summary question and make a pie chart which she put into our report. Gurl......... It don't work that way. She was super rude too.
We gave each other a week to do our separate parts and compile on Friday 10pm when the report which accounts for 40% of our whole grade for the module was due Monday morning. Saturday afternoon this guy had not done his part because he was busy with Japanese TUTORIAL prepwork. Furthermore, his parts were all discussed and in point form already all he needed to do was turn it into prose. I had to do some of his part for him because he was just taking a long ass time. Homeboy needa get his priorities straight. Another guy just did SWOT (table form). I had to re-do it because it was bad. The last girl in our group did Recommendations and basically summarised the case study and regurgitated everything, she asked us to delete her whole part so her contribution Z.E.R.O.

#2 In another project, this Indian exchange fella wanted to argue that 2013 data is old data because we are in 2014. Obviously the 2014 data was incomplete so to properly analyze over a few years we shouldn't use 2014, but no he want to continue arguing for 2 hours over whatsapp that 2013 IS OLD DATA. This same fella told us he didn't know how to analyze the survey data when he was tasked with it for our report, citing that DIFFERENT UNIVERSITIES TEACH DIFFERENT THINGS AND HIS DID NOT TEACH ANALYZING DATA. Well done. Every week we had tutorials which are a group effort he did close to nothing.

#3 Yet another project, this bossy girl wanna ask me to do the exec summary and edit the whole report 30 pages. I said Ok and worked on it from 9pm till 3am. Dropped the whole group a msg to let them know I am done and EXPLICITLY stated that the exec summary was done too. Wake up at 11am to see two messages from BossyBitch91 "Sarah have you done the exec summary" at 8am.  "Sarah, have you done the exec summary???" at 10am. I told her IF SHE WANNA KNOW IF THE EXEC SUMMARY IS DONE SHE CAN GO OPEN GOOGLEDOCS AND CHECK BECOZ GURL DAT SHIT ON PAGE ONE OF THE REPORT. PLUS. PLUS+++ I ALREADY SAID I DID IT IN MY MESSAGE. My. God.
I had it good the past few semesters without any such instances but this semester I got it all at once, really. Apart from these unfortunate instances, I am very, veryveryveryvery thankful for the other amazing groupmates I had like Claudia, Jin, Kim, Juliana, JW, Jade, Kelvin, Yeeju, Vance, Patrick, Janne ;) Would have hardcore died without these guys.

Anyway, my Science GEM ended up being a lot on astrobiology + chemistry (the chemical compounds that fuse together and form life). Saying that I was lost does not even begin to describe my experience with this module hahahaha. I had no idea how to answer my midterm at all and managed to scrape together some marks here and there to form the lower end of the bell curve. HAHAHA. Was really worried I woud fail this and have to come back for another semester LOOOL. For finals they said they would test the whole syllabus but I just studied from midterms onwards (living life on the edge). I really had no time. I managed to do the final exam though so I think that saved my ass.

For my CNM, I went for two lectures with Naddy. We talked throughout. For the exam, the GEM was in the morning and I was surviving on 3 hours of sleep. Ended at 12pm and my CNM exam was at 5pm so I took three shots of coffee and redbull and was hardcore crashing. I wrote one page of nonsense for a 25 mark question. (For midterms I wrote 2-3 pages for a 15 mark question LOL)

Global Marketing was extremely similar to AMMM. Asian Marketing was not Asia-focused at all. Global marketing was more like American Marketing. I liked both the professors a lot. 

Consumer Behaviour was my favourite module and the one I did the least well for, if you exclude the GEM. Hahahaha. :(

Product & Brand Mgmt was annoying because it had many small graded components and it was more like New Products Management (that was even the name of the textbook), i.e. how to generate a new product and the process from an idea to prototype, etc. Still interesting nonetheless but very, very, very technical and nothing like what I had expected -____- Also, I decided having just ONE 8am class wasn't going to kill me. It did. #Protip: If it seems like a good idea during bidding, it's not. I had to wake up at an ungodly time of 6:45am and was half conscious during the 3hour class 90% of the time. Thankfully after class on thursdays I occasionally meet my new side bitch in school and we have THE BEST N MOST INAPPROPRIATE catchup conversations in the world. HEHE Luv u Ben.

Toward the second half of the semester, I started taking cab all the time because #aintnobodygottimefordabus and #lastsemester. Drained all my savings. But don't worry because I will work soon right? Wrong. Was it worth it? Debatable. Do I regret? No. (One hr vs 10 minutes and a $7 deduction in my bank account)

I had a very unemotional last semester (by my standards... I cry at everything). I didn't feel any tug at my heart over my last project or my last presentation or my last class or my last time stepping into MRB. Just was so glad to be D.O.N.E. Either confirms my suspicion that I FUCKIN' hate school or it's meant to be that I go back for another year. Let's go with the latter. The only thing I was remotely upset about is that Nakhon (thai food) recently opened near my school and I would have gone there to eat all the time if it had opened earlier.
Side note: Alot of people always say that studying is way better than working but so far none of these people come from my faculty and these are the same folks that told me UNIVERSITY IS THE BEST TIME OF YOUR LIFE. I laugh out loud every time I remember how excited I was for university because of this statement which then shat all over my face. I am 65% sure I will enjoy work more than studying but I will check back in two years' time to let yall know. You're welcome.

The very worst part of this graduating-not-graduating fiasco is that I dyed my hair back to black so I don't look like My Little Pony or a member of the Winx Club while I job hunt. Heartbreaking. And now I've dyed it black it's a real hassle to bleach it again ::::::::( I was also thoroughly enjoying being unemployed.

The semester passed in a flash cuz I was so busy all the time. Despite it being the last semester and that my grades don't really count, I still put in my best effort of course. And in the end the busiest and most tiring semester turned out to be my best in terms of grades. Funny how things turn out!!! SO concluding this long ass rant, I am going back for another one year of school to do my honours.

PS. Thank you to all my friends who have stayed by my side during these tough and trying times. Yall the real MVPs.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2013 In Summary

I've been trying to start my "2013 in Review" post so that I can keep tabs on what went on BUT honestly just so much has happened and I can't quite remember everything and the list seems to be ongoing and what really is "too lame to remember" ha ha ha. ha. Let's start.

In January I remember feeling absolute shit just about everything in life in general just one of those down in the dumps kind of feeling for days-weeks-months. Not like suicidal or depression or anything like that, Jesus. But just... meh. This feeling was immensely fuelled by the start of school which has been -the- worst thing that has happened to me since 2011. I'm quite sure when I am older I will look back on my college years and feel like it was an absolute waste of my life but gotta do what you have to do. I also got my new iPhone. As part of my New Year "resolution" in 2013 to do more things I also decided to sign up for Korean lessons with Debi but that didn't work well since we missed half of it. HAHAHA. Still it was interesting while it lasted and I can read Korean if I go back and read through my lil' textbook.

In February I started feeling better and I think we celebrated CNY which was nice. Oh wait now I remember. CNY was 90% destroyed by my Business Analytics 2 assignment that was due on the first day of Chinese New Year. I was under a huge amount of stress and pressure because of that faaaakin module. I also signed up for my Basic Theory Test and passed- HURRAYYY. One step closer to this massive mountain which everyone else seems to have conquered rather quickly. Every time I think of driving I honestly can just see myself sitting in the seat screaming every time I need to turn or whatever. Gonna be great fun when I actually start driving lessons.

In March I got my New York Internship more or less settled. The first few months of the year flew by and it was really just stress and more stress. In school I spent alot of time with Steph which was great and we also helped each other skip classes so well, that is always fantastic. Definitely found a new life-long pal ;) Started teaching tuition to a Primary 2 kid who is super cute but it also meant I had to wake up every Saturday at 930am.

In April I guess I was just studying for exams and I honestly cant remember what went on. Lol.

In May Val, Juzzy & I did a dance for my aunty's 60th birthday which was fucking fun and fucking funny and we practised really hard and did a pretty long and solid dance but justine decided to do her own dance during the real thing which was awkward but also really damn funny and standard of us if you go take a look at our CJC Dance videos you will see that each of us is always just doing our own thing. Hahahahahahaha. Gud times. At the end of May I left for NEW YORKKKK which was just the best thing that has happened in my life.

In June I spent the month living in New York City and interning there- met a whole lot of great new people whom I definitely hope to stay in touch with. It's abit hard to explain what it was like to live in New York City. But I loved every single moment of it. Watched 3 broadway shows, went to the 9/11 site, went to the MET museum, central park, went out with a Mexican, had alot of mexican food with said Mexican, spent soooooo much time with Harsha & Evonne, caught my first baseball game. Honestly felt SO happy in NYC it was mad.

In July I spent half the month still in NYC and saw how the Americans celebrated their Independence Day then left for Miami, Orlando and then Los Angeles. In Miami we went shopping. Then in Orlando we went shopping. Then in Los Angeles we went shopping. In between we also went to tons of theme parks- USS, Disneyland, Six Flags and Islands of Adventure. (You can read more about NYC on my travel blog here. I haven't blogged about the other places yet but I will get down to it eventually)

In August I went back to Singapore after 3 months in the USA and I was so excited and happy to go back but that only lasted about 3 days before I tried to kill myself by watching Suits and Sex & The City all day and night for the next few months. HAHAHA. Within two days of returning back home I embarked on my next internship at Weber Shandwick for the next five months which was also another fantastic decision of 2013 because I had such a good time there. I also made guacamole for the first time and mastered the art of making Sangrias. Oh My God I nearly forgot the most important thing- turning 21. LOL. Honestly don't feel any difference or whatever. The only reason why 21 is a big deal is because when you turn 21 you can drink in USA but here since you can already do it when you're 18 it's no big deal really. I made a carrot cake and my fave tofu cheesecake for my birthday. When I came back Josh wanted to pick me up from the airport. While I was hesitant, eventually I relented and he said he wanted to try again and I honestly have fallen for this so many times already it's quite pathetic. This time I just said that we'll see how it goes and if it works out it does and if it doesn't then it doesnt and that's that. He also said that work is not so bad anymore. L.O.L.O.L. And I was just like...................yea ok. And went on to do my own things and in the end it didn't work out so JESUS CHRIST I hope that's the end. Really. It's time to move on. I cannot do this another 5 years.

In September I found it hard to balance work life and anything else and was more or less being consumed by work. I didn't even need to OT much except for those few times. But I just felt too tired to go out after work etc etc. Got the hang of it only much later on I think. As part of my internship I got to meet Nick Vujicic and see the oceanarium at RWS be transformed into a posh dinner event which was mofo cool. Think it was also in September where I got to watch Rihanna live at F1 and also Owl City and Justin Bieber LOL.

In October also as part of my internship I got to meet Boys Like Girls and hang out with them and go to Fenix Room with them which was quite funny and cool although I'm not a big fan......... heh. Also met Roz. Then there was Halloween which we skipped this year even though I had the best costume. hhahahaha.

In November at work we got ready for the big South Asian Diaspora Convention and the day before the event I had to stay in the office until 1030pm which was.... interesting I guess. Think SADC is one of the biggest highlights of my internship. I had alot of fun working there even though I had to be at Suntec at like 730am and worked till about 11pm at night on two days although the second day I could go home at 6pm. Political fangurlin' over all the ministers BAHAHA. Sat next to Nury Vittachi at the Gala Dinner, didn't know much about him but imagine my surprise when I picked up a copy of Readers' Digest on the flight to Sweden and saw his article inside. I. FUCKING. LOVE. Readers' Digest.

In December the family and I went to Bali and it was really nice although it rained every single day. Finished my internship and within two days (I have to stop this) TOOK OFF to Sweden. Didn't do anything special for Xmas other than the usual family stuff but I wasnt really feelin it that much cuz was sick. Before Bali Kiron, Debi, Woani, Genghis and I went to Fenix and L.O.S.T.I.T. I got so drunk and I went home at 3am and vomited through my nose (first for me. hope it never happens again) and slept and woke up at 5:30am to leave for the airport where I also vomited several times, altho not through my nose. It was terrible and I hope I am smart enough to never do this again.

At the end of 2013, I can say that I've made some pretty good decisions this year and I hope that can be carried forward to 2014. Of course I owe all of it to God because He's the one who opened doors for me. I think this year I went to church the least which is bad but I don't want to start going to church again yet. I feel like I know myself better too which is always a good thing. I also made conscious decisions to cut certain people out of my life so I can focus on the ones that deserve to be there. 2013 was a really solid year and I can look back and say yknow hey you did good. Sure as with any year it's never smooth sailing, never lacking ups and downs, but I can say I think I had it pretty good in 2013 and I'm so thankful for everything.