Monday, October 29, 2012

We Had A Very Happy Halloween

I don't even know how to start this post except for- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
This has got to be my finest costume moment. 
I went as Nicki Minaj for Halloween this year. Credits to Charlotte for helping me think of the costume. I had alot of time to look out for Nicki-esque clothes and do some research since I decided to go as Nicki in APRIL. And everyone was like dafuq Halloween like 6 months later. In the end they all stressing over what to go as the week before Hallz and lawd knows I don't need any more stress. ahahahaha. 
Took some photos from the net to show you guys how she looks like. She has like fucking 100 hair colours but I decided to go with green.

 Pls note tattoo and light pink lip stick

 After I got my Neon Yellow top and Leopard Print Pajama bottoms I found out she has a shoe that looks like this by Giuseppe. So fucking funny.

 More neon top + leopard print Nicki

 Tried to imitate this face ahahahaha, from her Stupid Hoe video

Super Bass video make up
Her face again ahahahahahaha. From Vavavoom video

Met Par at 6pm to dress up. Think we started at 6:45pm and we were only ready at like 8:30pm AHAHAHA. This is us practicing our faces 5 mins before going out.

 Got Par to help me with Nicki's Chinese tattoo I don't even know what it says cuz I can't read one of the words which Par calls "mother fucking Hello Kitty" cuz apparently it looks like hello kitty AHAHAHAH. wtf. Anyway kudos to Par for writing in Chinese siol.

 "Hello Kitty" is the third character.

All sorts of craysee ass faces.


Went outside to take more photos.
Par turned out much less lamer than I thought she would. Ahahahahah. She even went to get her cape and fangs and grey contacts although she wanted white (which wld have been seriously so awesome) But oh well! Next year we have plans to dress like mofo scary ass ghosts and stand in the corner of my lift.
 Stuffed my ass with a towel but then it sagged so I stuffed it with two shirts instead. Still sagged. There were numerous occasions when I found my ass at my calf.

 Should have shouted "SOMEBODY PLS TELL HIM WHO DA F I IZ" every time someone asked me who I was. Hahahahaha.
Yall have no idea how difficult it is trying to open my eyes this big. (Yes I know this is the normal size for other people my eyes r tiny) Somemore the cb lashes feel like an umbrella on my lids.
Used Par's foundation in the end my face also same colour as my arms and all. :(
My mom asked if I'm Kermit the Frog. Wad da.................
Took a cab to Jane's house to drink~~~
 My make up is SO good I was so proud of myself. First time using my 88 palette and cream blush. And my brother's ex gf's lashes (new ones ofc). HAHAHAHA. Wearing lower lashes also
And the lipstick was drawn out of my lip lines on purpose cuz her lips are damn thick and big.
 French Maid Deborah
Made Par go under a table to take this photo ahhahaha.
I vaguely remember walking into the room cradling Pepper and shouting that I "gave birth to a dog". And that I was going to breastfeed him. I don't even.......................

 Latest editions of "Yesterday's Photos, Today's Regrets"

 Sarah, wat r u doing.

 Still trying to do her face. So diffz.
 All I ever wanted was a puppy. :::::::(

 I reversed the front n back for my top hahahaha.


Went to Clarke Quay to ppppurty. Was damn high by then so I don't really know what we were doing. Just walking around looking at everyone's costumes and making a lot of noise. Went to Attica after! My first time, had alot of fun hehe.
 Blur photos; first indication of intoxication
 Nadia as Little Red Riding Hood.
Eh just realised we should have all coordinated to go as fairytales/disney princesses.
 Jane as Snow White
with a bunch of Trannies ahahaha
 I was seriously fightened by some of the costumes (Like this one.), everyone knows I am a pussy with a weak heart. I am still scarred by the horror show I watched in Primary 6. It was so bad. I can literally remember almost everything. Also, the other day I decided to watch Pretty Little Liars at 3am and CLD NOT SLEEP for an hour after that. Every time I closed my eyes every single monster or ghost I had ever seen on TV appeared. Was a FANTASTIC night.
 Random people. Uhm... I don't realy know who/what they are. The guy with the hat had a stocking over his face fucking scary. The guy behind is a stripper I guess. Different groups of people ahaha.
 Ofc deb HAD to take a photo with a police man. The guy behind last fucking warning.
 Super cool costume. It was a one man costume of a Gorilla carrying a man. Fucking funny cuz I kept asking Par to go as a gorilla. H&M sells this like long sleeved furry shit that looks like a gorilla costume but retails for like $199. RIDIC.
 Par w Deadmau5
 Me w scary bitchez
 SOOO cool that we found a wolf for Nadia!!!
The wolf was damn scary.
 DIS MOFO was standing behind us in the queue and I swear to Cheesus I was either going to cry or vomit. Like it is SO bad. Looks ten times worse in real life.


 With random people in da club.
Gr8 photo taking skillz jane.
 So many Jokers!
 Random Angmoh carrying deb ahahaa
 Char joined us!!! Zombie Cheerleader. Damn lame told her to go as either Joker or Green witch alr she damn lazy.

Gud times.
 My "Hey Gurl Wass' Poppin'" Pose.
LOLjk Don't even remember taking this.
 Or this.
 Or this.
 Or this.
If you look closely you can see that MY WHOLE FACE is green from the hair spray ahahaha. esp my nose.
Lastly, here is my brother trying on his Halloween costume. LOLOLOLOLOL. He is a flamingo btw. Bernie, korkor and I sat in my room and laughed for 10 mins until we were all crying. They went to HK to celeb Halloween.

Me trying the costume.
My bro and his Gurlfriend Brian Wong Bernie Mac in HK
Par asked if she's a cow WTF. Zebra btw.
Him waddling around the streets of HK. SO FUCKING FUNNY.
Halloween 2012!
Hope you guys had a mega fun time too.
P.S. Miss you Charis! All the other people who were supposed to come but didn't r now dead to me. Or at least on probation. You all know who you are. (Nut)