Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2013 In Summary

I've been trying to start my "2013 in Review" post so that I can keep tabs on what went on BUT honestly just so much has happened and I can't quite remember everything and the list seems to be ongoing and what really is "too lame to remember" ha ha ha. ha. Let's start.

In January I remember feeling absolute shit just about everything in life in general just one of those down in the dumps kind of feeling for days-weeks-months. Not like suicidal or depression or anything like that, Jesus. But just... meh. This feeling was immensely fuelled by the start of school which has been -the- worst thing that has happened to me since 2011. I'm quite sure when I am older I will look back on my college years and feel like it was an absolute waste of my life but gotta do what you have to do. I also got my new iPhone. As part of my New Year "resolution" in 2013 to do more things I also decided to sign up for Korean lessons with Debi but that didn't work well since we missed half of it. HAHAHA. Still it was interesting while it lasted and I can read Korean if I go back and read through my lil' textbook.

In February I started feeling better and I think we celebrated CNY which was nice. Oh wait now I remember. CNY was 90% destroyed by my Business Analytics 2 assignment that was due on the first day of Chinese New Year. I was under a huge amount of stress and pressure because of that faaaakin module. I also signed up for my Basic Theory Test and passed- HURRAYYY. One step closer to this massive mountain which everyone else seems to have conquered rather quickly. Every time I think of driving I honestly can just see myself sitting in the seat screaming every time I need to turn or whatever. Gonna be great fun when I actually start driving lessons.

In March I got my New York Internship more or less settled. The first few months of the year flew by and it was really just stress and more stress. In school I spent alot of time with Steph which was great and we also helped each other skip classes so well, that is always fantastic. Definitely found a new life-long pal ;) Started teaching tuition to a Primary 2 kid who is super cute but it also meant I had to wake up every Saturday at 930am.

In April I guess I was just studying for exams and I honestly cant remember what went on. Lol.

In May Val, Juzzy & I did a dance for my aunty's 60th birthday which was fucking fun and fucking funny and we practised really hard and did a pretty long and solid dance but justine decided to do her own dance during the real thing which was awkward but also really damn funny and standard of us if you go take a look at our CJC Dance videos you will see that each of us is always just doing our own thing. Hahahahahahaha. Gud times. At the end of May I left for NEW YORKKKK which was just the best thing that has happened in my life.

In June I spent the month living in New York City and interning there- met a whole lot of great new people whom I definitely hope to stay in touch with. It's abit hard to explain what it was like to live in New York City. But I loved every single moment of it. Watched 3 broadway shows, went to the 9/11 site, went to the MET museum, central park, went out with a Mexican, had alot of mexican food with said Mexican, spent soooooo much time with Harsha & Evonne, caught my first baseball game. Honestly felt SO happy in NYC it was mad.

In July I spent half the month still in NYC and saw how the Americans celebrated their Independence Day then left for Miami, Orlando and then Los Angeles. In Miami we went shopping. Then in Orlando we went shopping. Then in Los Angeles we went shopping. In between we also went to tons of theme parks- USS, Disneyland, Six Flags and Islands of Adventure. (You can read more about NYC on my travel blog here. I haven't blogged about the other places yet but I will get down to it eventually)

In August I went back to Singapore after 3 months in the USA and I was so excited and happy to go back but that only lasted about 3 days before I tried to kill myself by watching Suits and Sex & The City all day and night for the next few months. HAHAHA. Within two days of returning back home I embarked on my next internship at Weber Shandwick for the next five months which was also another fantastic decision of 2013 because I had such a good time there. I also made guacamole for the first time and mastered the art of making Sangrias. Oh My God I nearly forgot the most important thing- turning 21. LOL. Honestly don't feel any difference or whatever. The only reason why 21 is a big deal is because when you turn 21 you can drink in USA but here since you can already do it when you're 18 it's no big deal really. I made a carrot cake and my fave tofu cheesecake for my birthday. When I came back Josh wanted to pick me up from the airport. While I was hesitant, eventually I relented and he said he wanted to try again and I honestly have fallen for this so many times already it's quite pathetic. This time I just said that we'll see how it goes and if it works out it does and if it doesn't then it doesnt and that's that. He also said that work is not so bad anymore. L.O.L.O.L. And I was just like...................yea ok. And went on to do my own things and in the end it didn't work out so JESUS CHRIST I hope that's the end. Really. It's time to move on. I cannot do this another 5 years.

In September I found it hard to balance work life and anything else and was more or less being consumed by work. I didn't even need to OT much except for those few times. But I just felt too tired to go out after work etc etc. Got the hang of it only much later on I think. As part of my internship I got to meet Nick Vujicic and see the oceanarium at RWS be transformed into a posh dinner event which was mofo cool. Think it was also in September where I got to watch Rihanna live at F1 and also Owl City and Justin Bieber LOL.

In October also as part of my internship I got to meet Boys Like Girls and hang out with them and go to Fenix Room with them which was quite funny and cool although I'm not a big fan......... heh. Also met Roz. Then there was Halloween which we skipped this year even though I had the best costume. hhahahaha.

In November at work we got ready for the big South Asian Diaspora Convention and the day before the event I had to stay in the office until 1030pm which was.... interesting I guess. Think SADC is one of the biggest highlights of my internship. I had alot of fun working there even though I had to be at Suntec at like 730am and worked till about 11pm at night on two days although the second day I could go home at 6pm. Political fangurlin' over all the ministers BAHAHA. Sat next to Nury Vittachi at the Gala Dinner, didn't know much about him but imagine my surprise when I picked up a copy of Readers' Digest on the flight to Sweden and saw his article inside. I. FUCKING. LOVE. Readers' Digest.

In December the family and I went to Bali and it was really nice although it rained every single day. Finished my internship and within two days (I have to stop this) TOOK OFF to Sweden. Didn't do anything special for Xmas other than the usual family stuff but I wasnt really feelin it that much cuz was sick. Before Bali Kiron, Debi, Woani, Genghis and I went to Fenix and L.O.S.T.I.T. I got so drunk and I went home at 3am and vomited through my nose (first for me. hope it never happens again) and slept and woke up at 5:30am to leave for the airport where I also vomited several times, altho not through my nose. It was terrible and I hope I am smart enough to never do this again.

At the end of 2013, I can say that I've made some pretty good decisions this year and I hope that can be carried forward to 2014. Of course I owe all of it to God because He's the one who opened doors for me. I think this year I went to church the least which is bad but I don't want to start going to church again yet. I feel like I know myself better too which is always a good thing. I also made conscious decisions to cut certain people out of my life so I can focus on the ones that deserve to be there. 2013 was a really solid year and I can look back and say yknow hey you did good. Sure as with any year it's never smooth sailing, never lacking ups and downs, but I can say I think I had it pretty good in 2013 and I'm so thankful for everything.