Monday, March 11, 2013

Lime Tree

Recess Week was about a week ago and dat shit passed by so fast seriously. I didn't even get to go out and party or whatever. Zzzz. Been shit busy with life and my work has piled up so high- i don't even. Gonna use this week to catch up on my backlog. Anyway here's some recap of the fun stuff the past three weeks!

Coopiecakes' 1st Burfday~
 Nut and Nadia were kind enough to invite us to Coopie's birthday!! Justine went mad and ate about half of the giant elmo agar agar. I hate agar agar. 
Hangin' w Par
 Went to Par's place on Sunday to dye my hair and have our usual slumber party. Macs for dinner. Did work at her place and then drank wine and talked till 6am. Woke up at 10am to make sure my projectmate submitted our project (Life) hahahaha. Went to eat at Nakhon. This is really just our slumber party ritual. hahahahehehe love you.

My hair is now all red again!!!

Lunch with Woan
 Woan and I headed down to Holland V's La Nonna for some pasta before going home to study till like 11am zzzzz.

 Super yummy plus they have some 1 for 1 lunch deals!
Think we ended up spending only $25 each- and the wine was about $15 so the pasta was only $10 lulz

Skype with Ida
 Hammie and I used to skype everyday and study together and there were even some days when she would nap and we would leave the skype on hahahahhAHAHAHAHAH. #Lesbehonest
Then life got in the way as always so we had to make some changes so we skype maybe once a month only but we try to talk everyday on whatsapp. This was at 12am SG time and we ended up GOING THROUGH OUR LIPSTICK STASH UNTIL 2AM AHAHAHAHA

Painting my nails
 Since I decided to stop biting my nails (Dec last year) I have had to paint them about twice a week cuz I HAVE TO have nail pol on them otherwise they will tear cuz i have brittle nails and i am abit ocd so if my nail pol chips (which it will in about 2days) i have to scratch off all and paint again and the process is excruciatingly painful. I have inhaled SO MUCH nail polish and nail polish remover that i thought confirm asthma-until-go-hospital style again. But God has been good. HAHAHA

 Babies r growing up so fast. :( Love dem like mad.
Also, passed my Basic Theory Test HAHAHAHAHAHA. At this rate I would most likely be able to drive when I'm 30.

Korean Classes
 Debi and I go for Korean Classes on Mondays from 7-9pm. Had our first lesson it was pretty good. Learnt the basics and vowels and consonants of Hangul. I feel really satisfied cuz I've been wanting to learn a new language since 3 years ago but have procrastinated until now so good job to me for finally getting down to it. My mom kept asking me if i am sure that I have time. The answer is no. Obviously i have no time. But i guess I have to make time because if i keep waiting for time to fall into my hands I would most likely never get anything done. 

Marion's visit
 Been super excited ever since schnuffs told me she was gonna visit. That was about 2 months ago. hahahahaHAHAHA I haven't seen her in 9 months since I was in Switzerland. :(
We had dinner at Jumbo on Friday. I had a massive headache as well as my mid term the next day.
Stefan's travelling with her and he is real nice ;)
On Saturday I met her aft my exam at plaza sing and she bought $400 worth of Dorothy Perkins HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Overdo.

 Went back to their hotel because they had been out the whole day and wanted a quick shower before dinner! I gave them a list of hotels and they settled on Fragrance Hotel at Riverside. I was worried it'd be abit dodge because of Fragrance+Hotel 81+ prostitutes vibes BUT SURPRISINGLY this one was completely legit and it wasn't too expensive or too cheap. It was like $150 a night and it's right opposite Central mall. And they even had a rooftop pool checkittt.

 View from the poolside

Had dinner at Newton Circus and then we went to Skybar on top of MBS
 I didn't know there was sucha place. Thought it was just Kudeta bar and club but guess nahhht

They wanted to know where I hang out nowadays so ofc I had to bring them to WINEEE CONNECCCCTIONNNNN. Had the cheese platter which was damn yumz too. and two bottles of wine. Got home at 4am and woke up at 8am the next day to go to the airport. Omagaddd.

 Marion left to go to Chiang Mai then Bangkok then Ha Long Bay then back to Mui ne (?) where she's currently working. Took a picture with the ID machine HAHAHA. Gonna keep it in my wallet ^^

 Bye Schnuffi <3 Bussi!

 The flyer is really pretty

Had this today- greek yogurt with pomegranate and cranberries and banana and honey

I also had a pimple break out this week and there were like 3 red spots on my face. WAZ SO ANNOYED. and no amounts of concealer or wadevs could cover that shit. Terrible. Also been listening to tons of indie/old songs from the 90s like R. Kelly and Kci & Jojo- stuff I used to listen to when I was about 10. GOOD STUFF.

On repeat at the moment- Lime Tree by Trevor Hall
Still trying to understand the lyrics tho. Also there's this thing called 8tracks where you can go to listen to music. I find it quite interesting and that's where I first heard this song.

Ok gotta do work now. Bai~~~